Rebel Squadrons

RSCD NL 07-14-02

By FA Kaz Falcion
Unit: Commando Division
Fleet NL, Jul 14, 2002
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Rebel Squadrons Commando Division Mail

RSCD NL 07-13-02


EH Competition Results-

Despite a few technical difficulties at the start, I’m happy to announce that
once again the Commando Division was successful on the field of battle, edging
out the EH GMRG in our competition this Friday. The only negative aspect of the
whole event would be the low turnout by our members. I understand a lot of us
are busy on Friday nights with work or other activities, but we’ve got to work
on this. I’d like to thank those of you who contacted me earlier in the week to
let me know you’d be unavailable on Friday, and hope that more of you can do
that next time around if you can’t make it. It’s important that we keep
participation levels for inter-club events high, as it’s unlikely other clubs
are going to want to play us if we don’t show up. As far as Friday’s
competition went, I’d like to recognize Lee and Dragon, who combined for over
half of our wins. I’d also like to thank Gambit for volunteering to
administrate the bot, as well as for offering his JO server for the!
duration of the event. Below you can find the results for our memebers in the
competition. Once again, congratulations to those who came out and helped us
continue our streak of victories!

Isoldur "Dragon" Cauthon 2-0-0
Lee                                                 1-1-1
Kaz                                                 2-2-0


RSCD Melee-

As I stated in the last NL, a change has been made to the current Melee system
in order to better accommodate people who are busy on Friday night. Starting
now, any two members will be allowed to play each other at any time during the
week, with the results of the matches counting towards the final weekly
standings. At the moment I’m still working on getting us an automated system
for reporting, but until then send your match results to A
main melee event will still be held each Friday night, but with this system it
will be easier for everyone to participate.


New Members-

I’d like to give a welcome to those who joined us since the last NL. If you see
any of these guys on IRC, say hello, or see if you can answer any questions they
might have. Remember, all of us were new once ourselves, so let’s see if we can
make it an easy transition for our newest Commandos.

2Lt. Lowke Tomus (Talon)
2Lt. Zephirot Teewak (Avatar)
LJG Mordin Malchia Tyriel (Avatar)


Commando of the Week-

It’s been awhile since we had this in the NL, but I think it’s about time it was
brought back. This week’s commando is a new member who’s shown great activity,
showing up for the Inter-Club Melee and participating in training sessions to
improve his skills. This week’s commando of the week is Avatar’s own 2nd
Lieutenant Zephirot Teewak. Congratulations Zephirot!



We had another good week this week. We took out the EH in competition, and
another three members joined our ranks. Right now our numbers are moving
steadily towards a hundred members, which will make us the largest Fleet in the
RS. We’re heading in a good direction at the moment, so let’s try and keep
things that way. As always remember, 4-10pm EST each Friday and 3-6 each
Saturday. Also remember the change to the melee system, there should always be
something for you to do J

VA Kaz Falcion


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