Rebel Squadrons

New Policies

By RA Kyle Tobarn
Unit: Alliegiance Battle Group
Basic Announcement, Jul 25, 2002
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Greetings all, we have a lot to cover so I won't start with a long introduction. This is not an NL, just new policies and such that you should be aware of long before the NL will come out. Basically that means don't look for promotions.

* Multiple Character Sheets

       Now allowed, many of you are in more than one squadron, as such you need more than one sheet. Basically if you have decided to be in say Lancer and Sunrider, you can have one sheet for Jedi and one for piloting. Not only will this make specialty easier as far as upgrades go, but you can set each character to a different Primary squad and earn CP at both.

* Learning Skills

       A character may only learn one skill at a time, be it Force power or other. In addition to clearing this little misconception up, Shik will be fixing the character sheets to show what skill a character is learning, how long they have left, in what sim (What storyline or campaign), and from who. Squad leaders will be the ones controlling these fields as it will fall under the attributes section.

* Move is Gone

       Actually one of Sconn's policies. No one used and few people know how to use the move figure. Shik, don't touch the field just yet, we have other uses for it, see the next statement.

* Initiative
       Initiative is a character's continued awareness (Don't try to look it up, it's new). Everyone will make a perception roll when with a GM or higher. GMs cannot self roll and will need to ask another GM. The roll you get is your init, and when you go into combat-the highest init leads (Decides which party will act first and takes first action for his party), followed by the second highest and so on. If init's are equal GMs have discretion based on proximity. So if two people with a 14 init run into some bad guys, the guy closest (again, GMs discretion) will lead. There Shik, feel free to re-label Move as Init.
       Also, you Jedi kiddies you, Sconn will be making a rule change based on this new feature. Enjoy.

* #Allegience Clean up

       Our misspelled channel has become quite popular...and vulgar too. Due to problems I have decided to ban the use of the words "shit" and "fuck" including any variation of these words, or any attempts at masking them. All ops are to enforce this new regulation by means of a kick for the first offense, a ten minute ban for the second-with an email to me including who was banned and why, and banned for 24 hours on a third offense with a second email to me.

* BBS Logs            

       If you visit the ABG BBS you'll see Randy has already started this. From now on, GMs just post your sim logs to the ABG BBS. For campaigns only, I don't want to see random sim logs up there. Also, once a GM has posted a sim, he will continue to post for that campaign on the same thread. Do not post a reply to a thread used for campaign logs. It will be deleted. GMs, this should make life easier, so do it. If you don't, you're inactive.

* Chain of Command
       Not new policy, but necessary for implementation anyway. The chain of command is as follows:

The Membership
Squad CO and XO
Wing CO and XO
Fleet XO
Fleet CO
Fleet Commander
High Command

       Yes, I have separated myself from Sconn. He will deal with a situation before I do. Use the CoC even if a higher officer happens to be online. I will not take complaints that do not follow this order. And neither will anyone above me. This does not mean you cannot send me a suggestion, ask me a question, or get help. It means that I will not deal with problems that are solvable lower on the CoC.

* Respect

       Though structured similiar to one, this is not a true military. I can't order people to do something. The fact is the only way anything gets accomplished is with mutual respect. If someone respects me and my judgement they will better understand why things are necessary. As long as I respect each of you, your talents and efforts then I can expect progress. I'm not saying we all have to get along and be good friends. It's nice to be able to go online and enter a room where people greet you and you can have a conversation with them about anything, but that's just something you won't have with every member of this club. Of this fleet, or even every member of your squadron. People will disagree, and a simple disagreement can turn nasty, but it doesn't have to. If someone acts in a way that you think is odd, just remember that your actions to them may seem odd. There is no excuse for targetign a person and trying to bring them down. No one needs to try to prove t!
hey are better than someone else, that they know more, or simply that they are right. We have a unique fleet here, every week for about two hours we're asked to meet online and enjoy a game. By comparison in other fleets you don't have to even worry about other people. You'd just spend thirty minutes out of a month flying and reporting on a mission. Maybe joining a melee every now and then, yet even there you'd only have to play against the people you don't mind. Here you must get along with everyone. Not like, not pretend to be friends with, but get along and respect each other. Respect the people who have proven themselves dedicated enough to take on the leadership roles. Respect the people who give up their participation to make sure we have a game to play. When we are mutually respectfull, you'll find it a lot easier to get on each week and take part in something you signed up to take part in for the sake of fun.

* Lastly I leave any further instructions up to a reply by Sconn. Like I said, I know he will be making certain changes in the Jedi field, but it is possible he has more to add and thus I open the floor to him.

General Kyle Tobarn
Allegiance Battlegroup CO


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