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RgF SO's Memo, 10 August 2002
Renegade Fleet Mail
SO's Memo - 8 August 2002
Good morning, pilots. For those of you who don't yet know me (and that shouldn't be too many of you), I'm Brigadier General Lamin D. Zykara. I am the Renegade Fleet Second Officer, which basically means I am third-in-command of this fleet. Some of my duties around here include writing the Zodiac missions, placing cadets as they enter the fleet, and being (fictionally) in direct command of the Renegade Fleet's starfighter corps.
Anyway, down to business. Things have been very busy here in my home, and I have a leave coming up the 10th. It will extend through the 25th. During this leave, I will have no access to a modem or computer. Therefore, due to my absence, I need an active member of the Renegade Fleet to step into my position and help out MGN Daxson and GEN Kravis when they ask. If you are interested in getting some Fleet command experience and a good training oppourtunity, please contact them at rgfco@rebelsquadrons.org and rgfxo@rebelsquadrons.org.
There's more to come, but that'll be covered later on. Read on!
As an aside, if anything I write here conflicts with what MGN Daxson puts in his NL (for any reason), go with his over mine. Especially since I'm going away for 2 weeks tomorrow. MGN Daxson, if I cover anything you were going to hit, apologies.
Welcome to 2LT...Thran, for now, who's joined us in Twilight Squadron. His name is kind of up in the air for the time being, but welcome to you anyway! Glad to see a new pilot joining us.
Due to personal reasons, Lieutenant Colonel Zeke Freeman is stepping down from command of Dragon Squadron. In his absence, I will be assuming direct command of Dragon until some suitable replacement can be found. Since I will be on leave, General Kyle Tobarn has effective command of Dragon Squadron until I return. Lieutenant Colonel Freeman will remain with the Rebel Squadrons in reserve capacity. If and when he is able to return, he will contact the RgF CS directly.
As many of you are aware, I am Exodus Squadron's XO. I am interested in leaving that position, so anyone who's interested in being in Exodus in the XO slot or who is IN Exodus and wants the XO slot should contact GEN Kravis. rgfco@rebelsquadrons.org.
-Inter-Club Melee
We currently have the matches running every Saturday from 1500-1900 in #outerrim. Go and fight for the honor of our club. For you non-military types, that's 3-7 PM. That's RST, Rebel Squadrons Time, which also happens to be whatever Eastern is in America at the moment.
-Exodus Squadron
Exodus Squadron is looking at a match sometime in September. Currently, we are recruiting pilots. Here is the following breakdown of recruits.
In advanced training:
Captain Chris Earthkeeper
Currently awaiting evaluation
Tyrian Soh-Jin (I believe it was Tyrian who was recently injured in some kind of accident, so he's currently on Leave.)
Idano Delryn
Dev Azzameen
Harley Quinn
Cris Null
Rekio Corsair
If you are on that list and haven't been evaluated, make an effort to contact the following people:
Gavin Cantorph Kravis
Wes "Gizmo" Belden
Lamin Zykara (Psst...I'm on leave. Don't bother me.)
Patrick Blastfire
Trate Daxson
These people are evaluators for Exodus. If you are in advanced training, keep coming to Exodus members for training and constant evaluation.
Renegade Flats Imperative runs apace. Fly and report your scores at www.rebelsquadrons.org/rgf/rfi. Any online flying, including the Zodiac missions, can be counted, so fly as much as possible. The flying at the RS Training Night does count, but the flying at the Inter-Club melees does not.
-Zodiac 004
Zodiac 004 is out, on the Rebel Squadrons Roster Database. It's due the 31st of August.
-Results for Viper 002 Sub
Not a lot of flying on the sub mission, but I don't blame you. It wasn't out for very long. Anyway, kudos to Xtremegene for the highest score, Jedi Squadron for the highest squad score, and Scorpian Wing for the highest wing score. No medals this time around - it was really just a filler for me to make some time.
-Change of Exodus XO
As I announced before, I'm stepping down from Exodus XO. Contact rgfco@rebelsquadrons.org if you are interested.
-New Zodiac Mission Creator
Also, this Zodiac mission will be the last that I am going to create. I've got too many RL obligations at this moment to keep making them. That being said, I'd like them to keep going, so I am asking for a volunteer from the Fleet to make them. I would remain in charge of storyline and plot, and I'd be happy to help test them. I just don't have the time to do them myself. If you're interested, please contact the CO and XO of the Renegade Fleet. (rgfco@rebelsquadrons.org and rgfxo@rebelsquadrons.org) Once I return from my leave, whomever is selected can work with me and I will bring them into the loop on the stories.
-Redstar Squad Involvement
On another note, I am currently working with the Aurora Force's Redstar Squad and a good personal friend of mine, Trosa Aldair, to bring his squad into our SLs. They'll be serving as a commando team with us. What will happen is that they will write out a mission narrative from their point of view on what happened (take over a Corvette, whatever) whilst we are flitting about in our X-Wings, A-Wings, and *gasp* even Y-Wings.
So, that's that. I'll be on leave from the 10th through the 25th, but when I get back things are going to be changing, hopefully for the better. Take care all.
Brigadier General Lamin D. Zykara
Renegade Fleet Second Officer