Rebel Squadrons

New RSCD Jedi Ranking System

By FA Rahj Tharen
Unit: Commando Division
General Announcement, Jan 21, 2003
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       Along with MGN Lamin Zykara and BGN Isoldur “Dragon” Cauthon, we have created a new RSCD Jedi Ranking System. This system will take the place of the usual RSCD Merit System, but will differentiate from the standard systems of merit found throughout the Rebel Squadrons by focusing not only on awarding participation and activity, but significant work contributions to the RSCD and gaming skill. Therefore, this system will not be point based. Commandos will advance based on a set of guidelines and goals and achieve higher Jedi ranks as they meet those requirements, while at the same time playing the role of a Jedi.

       The reason for this change in the system revolves around an effort to offer the incentives of playing the role of an officially recognized Jedi in the Commando Division and to foster Jedi “ideals” and likeness into DFII: Jedi Knight and JKII: Jedi Outcast playing. This, in turn, will hopefully help promote an increase in multiplayer playing and activity, as well as making it increasingly more fun to do so.

       With that said, the RSCD Jedi Ranking System can now be considered live and in effect. I have already put together a website for it. - The main page for the RSCD Jedi Ranking System. This page contains a wealth of information on the Jedi Order, Origins of the Jedi, and the Jedi Code borrowed from Star and the ABG Jedi website (this way Jedi are fairly similar throughout the Rebel Squadrons). This information should be used to promote the role playing of being a part of this Jedi system and will have to be known to start your path in becoming a Jedi. - These are the Jedi ranks we will be using. They are:

Jedi Adept
Jedi Knight
Jedi Master

       To find out about what is required to attain each rank, visit the above URL. If I listed all that information here, this email would be way too long. - This page contains the current Jedi rankings in the RSCD. By browsing the previous link, you should have come to the conclusion that in order for this system to work, we will need our more experienced members to start out as Knights and Masters. As such, this has already been decided and as fair as possible. Members that already meet the requirements/goals outlined for the rank will start there. Please remember that this system of merit emphasizes not only gaming skill, but high goals of participation and work contributions made to the RSCD. Doing so will ensure that we do not end up seeing half of the RSCD turn into Jedi Knights. This, in effect, will make it more meaningful for everyone involved and more realistic. Nonetheless, anyone can become a Jedi Knight, or even a Jedi Master, if they are willing.

       With the above all explained, what is the first step in following the Jedi path? As the website points out:

Initiate - Initiates of the Order are those that may have Force potential and are interested in pursuing the life and ideals of a Jedi.

       To attain the rank of Initiate, one must:
* Declare an interest in following the path of the Jedi Order and exhibit those characteristics. To declare an interest, please contact the RSCD CO, Admiral Rahj Tharen, or the RSCD XO, Brigadier General Isoldur "Dragon" Cauthon.
* Proven to have been an active participant of the Commando Division.
* Proven to have read the Jedi history and ideals located here and the willingness to strive for them.
* Skill related goal: Participate in 25+ RSCD related matches.

       As of right now, the best way to attain the 25+ RSCD related matches goal is to participate in the Outer Rim War II competition. Soon, however, the RSCD Domination League will be available daily to help with this goal. Keep on the lookout for that event.

       Lastly, what does this mean for the Katarn Commandos? Obviously, unlike Jedi Knight and Jedi Outcast, the original Dark Forces platform does not have a Jedi theme. Therefore, it would not make sense for Katarn members to pursue being a Jedi. As such, this Jedi Ranking System will more than likely not include Katarn Company. However, an alternative system of merit is possibly in the works to compensate for this.

       That about wraps this up. If you want to comment on this or ask questions, please direct them to me (

Admiral Rahj Tharen
Acting RSCD Commanding Officer and Jedi Master


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