Rebel Squadrons

ABG NL 3/1/03

By RA Kyle Tobarn
Unit: Alliegiance Battle Group
Fleet NL, Mar 01, 2003
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Well Holy damn, not too late-and in some places still on time- it's the February NL!

I: The News
II:  Kyle's projects
|||:  Member projects
IV:  Awards and Promotions (Don't just skip to this part)

Uniforms have a new look to replace the ugliness that was puke yellow. If you have the ABG as your primary fleet, check out the uniform by clicking view next to Uniform in your own RS profile. If the ABG is not your primary and you want to see what the new uniform looks like anyway, select my uniform and be dazzled by my boatload of medals!

Activity and Membership
We are down to forty-one members before the end of the AWOL check, hopefully we won't lose any but it's a possibility. In addition to our low numbers activity is also low. Forty-one people is not a small number, and I'd like to see all of you participate in sims or contact me if you're having problems (if you're having scheduling difficulties, contact your squad/wing leaders-with activity this low I'm sure they'd be willing to adjust to accommodate everyone). Additionally, I'd like to ask everyone who has friends, chats outside the RS, or just happens to know that stereotypical geek in college to recruit. Obviously more people is good because sims become much more likely to happen, and there's more in them. I'm not counting myself out on this one, and am taking steps to increase internet awareness (sounds like a drug problem) of the ABG. The first step I'm taking is to get us into a web ring of Star Wars RPG sites. Hopefully, this will direct more traffic our way.

Remember, when you do recruit, have the person include your RS name. I am documenting recruit efforts through the join forms and will be sending nice awards for people who continuously bring in new members. Currently Coal, Eric, Spydie, and Davin have recruited one person each. We even got one from Mystic, though I don't think he is in the ABG (Boot Gods help me if I'm wrong).

Website Reconstruction
I've always wanted to change our site to something easier to manage. Because the above mentioned web ring requires a link I decided now was the best time to complete this conversion. Everyone who has material within the main ABG folders please collect that as it will soon be deleted. Davin, your items will be temporarily removed and relocated into the resource section of the Library-however you have several left overs from when you inserted your cute little ABG page. If you need them, grab them.

Project 1: Library conversion - Progress: About 80%
Reorganizing and adding to the library.   New design will hopefully make finding what you're looking for easier.
Project 2: Manual Conversion - Progress: 0%
To begin after completion of the Library, this too will be a matter of reorganization and additions, including bringing back our lost Advanced Skills.
Project 3: Character Generator - Progress: About 20%
Attempting to create an easy to use online character sheet generator which will guide you through the creation process and then print out your completed character sheet for submission to your academy/squad leader/me/all your friends. 
Project 4: New stats Fatigue, Encumbrance - Progress: About 30%
Simple enough, considering adding a new stat to all characters called fatigue.   This is basically a measure of your character's endurance and will be the limiting factor on how many actions you can take.   Additionally, encumbrance will be the weight limit your character can handle moving around with, and will be the limiting factor on items that can be carried.   After exceeding this point you will become encumbered and start taking penalties, exceed this by too much and you can no longer move.
Project 5: Backgrounds for starting characters - Progress: 1%
This is an attempt to make new characters that are custom created have more flexibility.   Backgrounds will modify skills and attributes to raise some and lower others, making characters a closer match to the biographies people create.   These still must be generalized enough to be able to be used in a variety of situations.   Should make the game more interesting for new members and give them a bonus to help close the gap between complete newbies and those who've been here a while.

Multi-Squadron Competition
Individual squadrons will be rated on performance in their scheduled sims
and something good will happen.
Status: Development
-Michael Raven

Please contact me if you're working on anything you want the fleet to know about.

None this month

Gen. Kyle Tobarn


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