Rebel Squadrons

Retribution Fleet Restructuring

By FA Licah Fox
Unit: Retribution Fleet
General Announcement, Mar 31, 2003
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Greetings Retribution Fleet pilots!

This is just to let you know that I have made the decision to downgrade the Retribution Fleet to a Wing in the Redemption Fleet. The "Retribution Fleet" is now officially known as the "Retribution Wing".

This decision may come as a total surprise to some of you, so allow me to explain my decision.

The R2F has stood at less than 30 active pilots for a long time now; the Fleet has been in a slump for a while. These < 30 pilots (if you go by the ITOD, < 10) have been spread out among 5 squadrons for the entire tour. Since there are still less than 30 pilots and 5 squadrons, squadrons are necessarily undermanned. For this reason, I am combining the R2F into a single Wing composed of 3 squadrons: Hydra, Shadow, and Skull. The pilots that were in Storm Wing have already been moved to Sentinel, and Storm Wing has been removed from the roster.

This leaves two Wings: Sentinel and Specials. However, Specials is comprised of members who are already in Sentinel, so it is redundant to have a separate wing for Specials. Therefore, I am placing Intel in Sentinel, which leaves the R2F at one Wing.

One Wing is definitely below the minimum requirements for a Fleet, and one Wing is exactly what every unit in the RF is, so the path is clear: go to the Redemption Fleet.

I do not view this move as a setback for the R2F, as it is only losing the voting rights on HC as a Fleet and transferring them to the RF. The R2F is also losing the pride of being a Fleet, but I believe the shock from this is what the R2F needs to get back in action. I have no qualms about taking the R2F to the RF, because I believe that the R2F will be a Fleet again very soon. I promise you that I will have the R2F up to Fleet size (upwards of 50 active people) in 4 months or less. Retribution -will- be a Fleet again.

The IRC channel will continue to be #retribution_fleet, and feel free to continue to refer to it as the R2F.. Also, the specific changes on the RS Roster Database may not be put into effect for some time, and the ITOD scores, medals, merits, and BBS will likely continue to stay in the same place, for a while, at least. Also, the website will continue to be for the time being. For now, the only visible change that has occurred will be R2F's losing HC voting rights, and I will be titling future NLs "Retribution Wing Newsletter".

As a side note, all wings will be combined into Sentinel Wing, which will be renamed Retribution Wing. I will be the CO of this wing and Nachos will be the XO. All current wing CS will be removed for the time being, until R2F makes it back to fleet size again.

As a reward for those who stuck by the R2F despite the hard times, I will be awarding every current member of the Fleet that has been in the fleet for at least the last month or two with the R2F Medal of Loyalty: -«‡¥‡»-

Please direct any concerns about this decision to myself at

Colonel Licah Fox
Retribution Wing Commanding Officer


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