Rebel Squadrons

New RSCD Commanding Officer

By FA Rahj Tharen
Unit: Commando Division
Basic Announcement, May 06, 2003
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Members of the Commando Division,

       Due to LGN Patrick Blastfire's recent resignation from the RSCD Commanding Officer position, I have gone ahead and appointed his successor. As a result, the former RSCD XO, GEN Boid "Gambit" Reaves, will now be officially serving as the new RSCD Commanding Officer. Gambit obviously needs no introduction, and is one of the longest serving members of the Fleet. He, however, has an extremely difficult task ahead of him because a rebuilding process desperately needs to take place in the Commando Division.

       As a result, I wish him the best of luck and my full support in doing so. Congratulations on the new appointment and may God have mercy on your soul. ;)

Fleet Commander Rahj Tharen,
Rebel Squadrons Commanding Officer

The Rebel Squadrons – A H.I.E.R. Organization
Honor, Integrity, Equanimity, Respect.


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