Rebel Squadrons

R2F 8.04 and Narrative

By COM Leonard Cable
Unit: Redemption Fleet
Wing NL, Feb 19, 2004
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Greetings, pilots, General Cable here. Well, I can definitely say that I am impressed with the number of reports that came in compared to last month. Almost double the amount of reports came in this month compared to last month, a grand total of fifteen. This number is still a bit disappointing as it is less than half of the wing, but I figure that if we can have this much improvement in one month, just imagine what we can do this month!

Anyways, my faithful XO, Colonel Argon, already informed you of the scores, so I’ll just issue the awards.

For getting first place in R2F 8.03, I award Major Trev Firestorm with the Top Gun award. Since only one person sent in a narrative (albeit a rather good one), I hereby award Captain Tiar Garnin with the Mission Report Medal for R2F 8.03.

Now, onto the promotions:

Lieutenant Colonel Argon Viper, please step forward. For your ongoing help with the R2F ITOD (more like production of it), and your never-ending quest to help me, I proudly bestow upon you the rank of Colonel. Congratulations! Also, please congratulate Argon on becoming XO of Retribution Wing.

Cadet Erik Johannsen, please step forward. For reporting on R2F 8.03 and showing your activity, I hereby promote you to the rank of Lieutenant Junior Grade. Keep up the good work, Lieutenant!

Cadet Addraemyr Noli, please step forward. For reporting on R2F 8.03 (and being one of the only pilots to not have Microsoft Word recognize either your first or last name as a correct word, just kidding), I hereby promote you to the rank of Lieutenant Junior Grade. May the typos be less frequent for your name! Congratulations!

Now, on to the mission. R2F 8.04 is attached to this email, and it is due four Sundays from today, which is March 14, 2004 at 11:59:59 PM EST. This will become a standard time frame for R2F missions from here on out. Below is the accompanying narrative for the mission. All mission reports and narrative should be sent to Now, enjoy the mission, and send in those reports! I would like to see more than 50% reporting this time!


R2F 8.04: Rough Waters Ahead

“General Cable, the Abandon Forces’ ambassador is safely aboard the Vespia and is being taken to the conference room at your request,” the enthusiastic female crewmember said, clutching a datapad against her stomach.

“Ah, thank you, Ensign. Open a secure holonet terminal link to the Vespia’s conference room in my office. Lieutenant Driina, you have the bridge.” Hands calloused from hard work smoothed the wrinkles out of his tunic as he made his way toward his office. The metallic hiss of the doors opening reverberated in his ear canal, as did the beep as his finger pressed the lock mechanism on the door switch.

Upon taking a seat in his rather comfortable office chair, he brought up the login terminal of the holographic network, or holonet for short. After entering his login code and password, he was greeted with a friendly series of beeps and two figures outlined in blue on his desk, each a fraction of their actual height. “Greetings, Colonel Viper,” Cable said. “I see you managed to escape safely with the ambassador. I trust that you are treating him as an honored guest.”

“No problem, General,” replied Viper, his voice as calm and cheery as if they were face to face. “Good to see you in one piece.” General Cable’s attention then focused on the other figure, the ambassador from the Abandon forces. “So, do you have a name, ambassador?” asked Cable, letting his lips form a smirk, wondering if the ambassador could even see his gesture across the holonet transceiver.

“The name is Swolta, General Cable,” replied the ambassador. The General thought his tone almost too nonchalant to seem realistic, but he said nothing about it. His fingers interlaced as he glanced over the ambassador’s features that the holonet projector could display. “Okay, Ambassador Swolta, let’s begin discussing the terms of this treaty,” General Cable said before a ferocious jolt almost threw him out of his chair. After regaining his composure, he tapped a finger on the console next to the display, activating a communication link to the bridge. “Lieutenant Driina, report!”

The voice of the Lieutenant screamed out at him over the comm., “We’ve been pulled out of hyperspace by a small Imperial flotilla, sir! Sensors report one Invincible-class Dreadnaught, one Carrack Cruiser, and one Assassin-class Corvette! They are blocking our escape vector. We cannot enter hyperspace! It’s a trap!”

The General’s face immediately contorted into a growl, looking at the holograms of Colonel Viper and the ambassador. “Colonel, take the ambassador into custody immediately! We could also use some assistance, if you don’t mind?” The Colonel’s nod was the only assurance he needed, but Viper spoke anyway, “Yes sir, we’re preparing an immediate jump to your coordinates. E.T.A. ten minutes.”

“Enemy capital ships launching fighters, sir!” shouted Lieutenant Driina over the comm., almost making the General’s ears bleed.

“Let’s hope that we can last ten minutes, Colonel,” the General said to the hologram before shutting it off and walking out of his office onto the bridge. “Raise shields, activate weapons, and launch all starfighters immediately! We’ve got ten minutes until reinforcements arrive, and I’ll be damned if this ship doesn’t hold out until then!”

BGN Leonard Cable
-Retribution Wing CO
-Redemption Fleet SO


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