Rebel Squadrons

Resignation - ABG

By COL Aidyn Wolfwood
Unit: Redemption Fleet
Wing NL, May 10, 2004
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Well...I knew this time would come, but, just not this soon. Due to real life time contraints, my fathers slowly deteriorating condition, and holding two major positions here, I\'m afraid I must step down. For the good of the group, as well as it\'s inhabitants.

However, I am happy with the condition the group is in. When I petitioned to Stallion for leadership, my main goal was to get this group going, and try to reach Fleet status, once again. However, even though we\'re not there, we are 30 strong. And that is suitable enough for me.

I will, however, remain here as a GM, and continue to sim. I may be leaving my position, but I will not completely leave the simming realm. You all are like family to me, ever since our first meetings almost 5 years ago.

As per successor, I looked towards several different criteria when making my selections. Time Active, Simming Ability, Open Mind/Idea Creating, and most of all, Openess to Members and Kindness towards them. After reviewing all of these, and looking though my selections, I hereby request that Borsk Kun, become my successor.

I feel he can lead this group into the new age which awaits it, when the summer arrives and new cadets roll in. May the GM Gods have mercy on your soul...

I thank all of you, once again, for the great times we\'ve had these past years. To you new people, it was good watching you grow. :P And I hope to continue to do so, for the following years down the line.

Thank you.

Lt. Colonel Aidyn Wolfwood
Former Allegiance Wing CO


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