Rebel Squadrons

OOB, HO, and To the Squadrons

By MGN Max Cal
Unit: The Rebel Squadrons
General Announcement, Jun 28, 2004
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Hello to all,

Hey it\'s Lieut. Commander Max Cal again. I just wanted to take the liberty of letting you, the RS pilot or gamer, know what the Logistics Office is doing for you. For starters, we\'re maintaining and updating the OOB, one day at a time with various new and cool pictures for the ship list. While we cannot directly change the ship list\'s contents, we are working on updating the OOB bit by bit; we\'re starting with picture files and data and then working up to revamping the OOB site design itself. Next, there\'s the Historical Office and the Historical Officer. We haven\'t had an Historical Officer for sometime, but now we do and the Historical Records (or Historical Office) is now up and running. We appreciate the emails that we\'ve already gotten from a couple of members regarding the revamping of the HO- and yes, that site was in need of major revamping. In an incredibly short amount of time, the site was revamped by Cpt. Rukilian and 2Lt Darknyte (without even letting me know about it). Take a bow guys, you deserve it. For the rest of you, if you feel you would like to make any contributions (historical) to the Historical Records please email either myself, 2Lt Darknyte, or Cpt Rukilian. Please note that Cpt Rukilian is LOA for sometime, so email it to either myself or Darknyte. Lastly, the \"To the Squadrons\" newsletter. Due to only two people emailing us stuff (many thanks to Col Stalker and Gen Sconn), we are going to have to shortly postpone it. However, it will be coming out shortly and I can guarantee that the stuff Col Stalker and Gen Sconn sent us will be in the upcoming \"To the Squadrons\". Please send us your stuff!!! Lastly, we are holding a contest for pictures for the OOB- we would like to have pictures for the LC-204 Knight-Class Light Cruiser and the Vibre-class Assault Cruiser. Please send any and all entries to my email address at or at Thank you so much and have a great day.

Lieut. Commander Max Cal
Logistics Officer


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