Rebel Squadrons

R2W Needs Pilots...

By CMDR Alexxander Vandross
Unit: The Rebel Squadrons
General Announcement, Apr 25, 2005
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Calling all pilots! Have you ever wanted to jump in behind enemy lines and stick you know what up the Empire's tail pipe? Ever wonder what it's like to fly those Imperial starfighters? Do you want to tone your piloting skills? Or gain command experience?

Retribution Wing is in dire need of pilots like you, who are willing to endure the weathering that the Empire gives us. We are currently recuperating from our last Tour of Duty, and are attempting to rebuild ourselves into the fleet we once were. You can help. You can be one of the daring pilots who keeps the Imperial Remnants from once again taking over the galaxy.

So what do you say, come on down to the Star Destroyer Prometheus and sign on to fight the Empire on their turf.

Retribution uses the game TIE Fighter, as we combat the Empire using their own ships against them. If Retribution is right for you, come on down and sign up for one of the greatest adventures of your RS life.

P.S. Please post here or email either or all of the following people, to sign up: Myself- , the TIE Fighter Academy Commanding Officer Lt. Commander Sergio Mantis- , the Retribution XO Commander Max Cal , and our Commanding Officer Major General Bethan Leitbur -


Lt. Commander Alexander
Retribution Wing SO
Wraith 10


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