Rebel Squadrons

RDS Newsletter RgF 4.06

By COL Rahvin
Unit: Renegade Fleet
Squadron NL, Dec 31, 2005
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The Star Destroyer Christine moved slowly through the cold expanse of space. In the massive ships docking bay Lieutenant Commander Rahvin stood, his feet spread apart and arms crossed, staring at the young 1st Lieutenant scrubbing the deck plates. First Lieutenant Carth, stripped to his undershirt and underpants, was struggling to remove each peice of dirt, scrape, or scratch with an antique wooden scrub brush from the deck. Maintenance droids would do a better job at cleaning but not at instilling discipline, so Rahvin had turned them off. It had taken QUITE a few of drinks of Rahvin's best ale to convince the Renegade Fleet Commander to allow the discipline to be handled at squad level instead of going any farther. Carth was a good kid but HAD to be brought to heel. Putting on a scowling face at the 1st Lieutenant, Rahvin allowed his mind to wander back to the most recent mission......

Congratulations to Hermann who was our Top Pilot for RgF 4.06 in the RDS, I tried but I could never unseat you, very good!

I appreciate all the reports that we recieved. We had 4 reports in with a 44% activity rate. I have been in contact with most of the other pilots who will be returning (they promised!) in the next mission.

I don't know as of right now when the next mission will be released but I will try to get a date out of Leonard and sent out a note when I know more.

I appreciate the narrative from Carth which inspired the story backdrop to this newsletter. Carth remember PROOF READ.... very important...

If any of you would like to toss in a (chapter?, page?) of our running story feel free, I would love to see more narratives hit the boards on the next mission.

We have a new recruit in the academy and I am hoping to graduate him soon and slot him into our number, more news on that when he graduates, I don't want to embarass him just yet.....

Until next time, I am as close as your email, ( or if you see me online in AIM/MSN (jbranon421) make sure you drop me a note and say hello. I would love to hear from you!

.......waking up from his daydreaming, Rahvin noticed that Carth had almost completed the landing bay (the boy was fast!)....
"Lieutenant! You missed a spot. .....START FROM THE BEGINNING!......"... Carth dropped his head and walked back over to the beginning corner of the bay. Rahvin would make this kid an officer if it killed him......


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