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Redirects are Working
The email redirects are now working as before. Requests for redirects can be made via the mail system at http://www.rebelsquadrons.org/mail/, and any redirects you previously had in this system are now back up.
If you make changes to your redirects, please allow up to ten minutes for them to actually take effect. The site will update instantly with your changes, but the email may take up to ten minutes to actually be redirected properly.
If you have any questions regarding email redirects, please don't hesitate to ask. All members are eligible for one, so if you'd like one, just visit the above address and set it up!
If you make changes to your redirects, please allow up to ten minutes for them to actually take effect. The site will update instantly with your changes, but the email may take up to ten minutes to actually be redirected properly.
If you have any questions regarding email redirects, please don't hesitate to ask. All members are eligible for one, so if you'd like one, just visit the above address and set it up!