Rebel Squadrons

OOHR - A. Allston and M. Stackpole Chat Logs found (From 1998)

By FA Mike "MacMan" McEwen
Unit: The Rebel Squadrons
General Announcement, Jul 10, 2006
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Yep I have found the chat logs from the 1st year #B&G anniversary Q&A session with A. Allston and M. Stackpole dated Wed Jul 29 1998. They should be updated in the Office Of Historical Records by COL Max Cal shortly. So stay tuned!!

[edit 07/19/06]
As the HO has yet to update the sight, you can find the chat logs linked in the history tab in my profile.

Fleet Admiral MacMan
Former FC and Member of the Rebel Squadrons High Command
Blue Squadron 8 - Patriot Battle Fleet
Deputy H0 (pending aproval) - Office of Historical Records

Rebel Squadrons an H.I.E.R.* Organization

*(Honor, Integrity, Equanimity, Respect)

{||~RS~||} Honorary Membership Medallion
{ -- o -- } - Eye of The Jedi
{ -oo- } - Golden Eyes
{ ||U|| } - Kessel Kup
- RS Excellency of Service Medal
{ ~X@X~ } - X-Wing Combat Tactics - Mine Racer
[<|=(V)=|>] PBF Medal of Victory Combat x2
([<|=(MoE)=|>]) - PBF Medal of Excellence
{~GA~} Honorary Grey Alpha
{ -/ } - RgF Silver Eye
{ } - CoR Diamond Sun
{ |--->|| } - Gray-Alpha Tour 1 Champion
{ ~||@||~ } X-Wing Master Cadet Medal w/Honors x2
{ ~¤¤!*!@!*!¤¤~ } - Academy Medal of Excellence 2 Bars
(MoA) - EH Medal of Allegiance


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