Rebel Squadrons

New VSG CO, Farewell to Heavy

By FA Dave Trebonious-Astoris
Unit: The Rebel Squadrons
General Announcement, May 03, 2007
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Greetings RSers,

Last night, LGN David "Heavy" Pasiechnyk officially stepped down from his position as Commanding Officer of Vigilance Starfighter Group. While a sad event, this was not entirely unexpected. Heavy made it clear from the beginning that his tenure as VSG CO would not last into the summer, since his living and internet situation changes so dramatically after the school year ends. He will continue to be a part of the RS, but in less-demanding positions. Still, it is hard to see such a good officer go. Heavy has served the RS extremely well and has stood out as an excellent VSG CO. In recognition of all his hard work and his dedication to the RS and the VSG, I am extremely happy to award him the Kessel Cup. Congratulations, Heavy, you deserve it!

The vacancy of the VSG CO spot did not last long. On Heavy's recommendation, I am appointing CMDR Olith Hesto to VSG CO. Olith has served as Heavy's XO for the past few months, understands the systems that Heavy has in place, and is an active part of the Logistics Office's TacOps teams, which makes the VSG missions. I can therefore think of no one better qualified to take over as Heavy's replacement. Congratulations Olith, I know you'll do well.

Dave Trebonious-Astoris
Fleet Commander

=The Rebel Squadrons=
A H.I.E.R. Organization: Honesty, Integrity, Equanimity, Respect


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