Rebel Squadrons

Logistics Office Now Hiring

By COM David Vaughan
Unit: The Rebel Squadrons
General Announcement, Jun 10, 2007
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The Logistics Office is currently looking for additional staff or helpers to assist with various projects. Roles range from flying historical missions, to copying and pasting data, to more extensive and ambitious planning and research projects.

There are two positions available for people interested in low-key work such as copying and pasting information, and many positions available for members who wish to work on more ambitious projects. Rank and experience are not important --- if you're a lieutenant or general, it doesn't really matter as long as you want to help.

We are also looking for any members interested in helping out by flying historical missions and checking the accuracy of our records of what the missions entail.

If you are interested, please contact me at or on IRC where my screenname is `Vaughan. Members interested in flying historical missions can elect to work on as many or few missions as they want. One mission? Ten missions? Whatever you feel interested in doing. Commitment is not expected --- if you find you don’t have time free to do what was asked, simply let me know.

So if you have any extra free time and feel like going beyond normal mission participation by assisting the Logistics Office in creating a unified and cohesive continuity, please let me know. Even if you aren’t sure that you would like to work on anything, but are curious for more information, I am happy to answer any questions.


Maj. Gen. David Vaughan
Logistics Officer


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