Rebel Squadrons

Location Names Project Completed!

By COM David Vaughan
Unit: The Rebel Squadrons
General Announcement, Sep 30, 2007
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Two and a half months ago I posted a request from the Logistics Office to the general membership, asking for suggestions to be put forward regarding planet and other location names.

This was because with the Logistics Office's research of the RS's fictional history, we required such details in order to complete our mapping projects.

I am pleased to announce that thanks to the efforts of twenty individuals in the club this project has come to a successful conclusion.

Each of the following members (in alphabetical order) contributed to the project by suggesting location names, and each have received a Merit Commendation for their efforts (if you don't have one, it is on its way):

Adam Mieter
Boid Reaves
Chris Horn
Dacs Helfrump
Damon Lightwind
Davin Olar
Joshua Hawkins
Jotheb Tahn
Kane Redron
Luren Ketan
Mathow Bizegar
Max Reem
Olith Hesto
SKF-1971: Arcane
Walex Partija

And a very special thank-you to Admiral Raven who sat down and went through the list of name suggestions, sorting them into good, okay and not so good categories.

Thanks to the aforementioned members, the project yielded a grand total of one hundred and forty-one (141) unique location names, which will be used in the soon-to-be-released mapping project, and also in the historical timeline calendar, and in upcoming and current missions and narratives.

Once again, thank-you to everyone who helped out with this project. Other projects put on hold may now move forward at pace.

Thank-you for your assistance to the Logistics Office.


Lt. Gen. David Vaughan
Logistics Officer


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