Rebel Squadrons

(44:5:35) Into the Lion's Den

By FA Michael Raven
Unit: The Rebel Squadrons
Narrative, Nov 04, 2007
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-=Primary Conference Room, MC80 Star Cruiser Ad Astra, 44:5:20:17:12=-

Colonel Kirghy Lommax had given better debriefings before. His at-attention form stood stalwart in front of the pilots of the Vigilance Starfighter Group as they sat in various seats around the room; all eyes focused on him. Breathing deeply, he adjusts his flight gloves for what seemed like the fiftieth time before beginning.

“All in all, the operations near Hexos and the attack on Resilia were a success. I’d like to extend the personal thanks of the Subterrel Strike Force command staff to you all for your, quote: Excellent work and diligence in continuing to score victories for the fleet, unquote. Personally, I can tell that’s likely a load of kriff just so that us fighter jocks don’t take over; but hey, what can you do?”

The joke lightened the otherwise somber mood within the briefing room for a few moments.

“Joking aside, the operation was generally a success, the orbital supply depots were wrecked, with over half of their containers destroyed and one of their platforms is essentially scrap. Unfortunately, Ragnarok Squadron lost two ships along with their pilots in the conflict when the Styx shat out TIE Interceptors to break up the party. Respects for the pilots will be paid tomorrow at oh-six hundred. You’ll all be there.”

Kirghy glances around at the multitude of nodding heads, affirming his men’s desire to pay proper respects to those they considered brothers.

“A few of their B-wings are out of commission due to damage, but the rest of the squadron made it back alright. On the Hexos front, we managed to destroy a full two-thirds of their convoy; that’s thirty critical vessels. A few lucky ones slipped past us, but most of them sustained damage in some way. Their escort starships, including a Victory Star Destroyer, the Grace, were destroyed with nearly all of their hands thanks to some very determined pilots in Dragon. Four of our boys were lost in that battle, their respects will be paid tomorrow along with Ragnarok’s ceremony. Good job everyone. In unrelated news, as some of you have heard; Fleet Admiral Kaz Falcion will be returning to the Redemption within the next few days… something about ‘needing to smite stupid in a more familiar environment’ for a few weeks… I’ll keep you all informed so you can avoid him.”

A few yells of “THANK YOU SIR!” permeated the otherwise silent room, bringing a collective laugh to the pilots.

“All in all, good work people. I’ve got nothing else for you, so hit the sims if you’re bored, or if you have spare time… hell. Hit the sims anyway. Dismissed!”

Concluding his briefing, Kirghy waited for everyone to leave the room before letting a long breath out. Allowing his head to drop somberly, he followed the last crewman out, to begin preparations for their fallen comrades final resting places…

-=Bridge of the Imperial I-class Star Destroyer Wyrm, deep space in the Subterrel Sector, Unknown Location, 44:5:35:03:15=-

Today was a good day. High Admiral Julon Dija stood stalwart at the prow observation post on the bridge of his Destroyer, looking out at the hundreds of craft arrayed around his vessel. His eyes light up with brilliant hellfire as three full battle groups, two led by a trio of Imperial-class Star Destroyers with the third spearheaded by only two, lance into hyperspace before his vessel.

“Sir. All battle detachments have entered hyperspace. Thirty minutes to contact.”

The sensor officer onboard the Wyrm looks up at his commander, a shared grin present amongst most of the bridge crew. The operation to oust the Republic fleet from the entirety of the Subterrel Sector had been weeks in planning. After nearly completely ousting the Loyalist forces from the area, they had been able to focus their entire military might on the Republic fleet, not even one-twentieth of their size.

“Excellent. Any change from our scout teams?”

“Negative. All scout teams report normal Republic vessel operation. The location of the Redemption, Ad Astra and their other vital command ships have been locked into the navicomputers of Battle Group Hammer.”

“Perfect. Inform all assault lines to prepare for ground assault op…” The Admiral is interrupted by his Communications officer, the young man standing up in his chair, obviously confused.

“Sir… Battle Group Anvil reports they have engaged the Assault Frigate Chiin’tal over Yeseo…”


-=Bridge of the Imperial I-class Star Destroyer Nehrul, high orbit over the planet Yeseo, 44:5:35:03:21=-

“Sir, the Assault Frigate Chiin’tal is preparing for hyperspace, Bomber wings Alpha and Beta are pursuing, but will likely not catch her.”

“No matter. Tactical, prepare for planetary bombardment against Republic facilities on the surface, Flight Ops; order all fighters to hunt down and destroy any vessel attempting to flee.” The Captain of the Nehrul had struck at a vital Republic holding; some twenty-five minutes before the remainder of the battle groups were scheduled to engage their targets.

“Sir, incoming transmission from Admiral Dija. Shall I patch it through?”

“Yes, put it through here.” He turns toward the console he was standing in front of as the image of Admiral Dija materializes on the panel; the Admiral’s face was contorted into some strange mixture of confusion and rage.

“Explain yourself!” The Admiral’s voice rumbled with anger, even through the cold expanse of space.

“Sir, with the sheer force we are bringing against the Republic fleet, I saw no issue with attacking early… As we speak their forces are scurrying from their holes; and our fighters are tracking them down to obliterate them.”

“If they get a communication out, the entire operation could be compromised. Assure this does not happen; or I will kill you personally.”

“Of course sir; you have nothing to worry about. This planet has nearly completely fallen already; my forces have performed excellently and merely spearheaded your operation. There is little consequence that could possibly come from what has transpired.” The Captain, confident in his position, broadcast it loudly with the way he addressed the Admiral.

“…So be it, Captain.” The Admiral’s form dissipated from the screen as quickly as it had materialized.

“Hrmph. He will be giving my own kriffing planet before this day is over; attacking early gave us the jump on the other Battle Groups that was needed to show our worth… Continue the operation!” The Captain bellows to his bridge crew, turning to watch the one-sided battle unfold before his eyes. Little did he realize that the flash of light caught out of the corner of his eye was the Chiin’tal lancing into hyperspace…

-=Bridge of the Imperial I-class Star Destroyer Wyrm, deep space in the Subterrel Sector, Unknown Location, 44:5:35:03:23=-

“Transmission ended as per your orders, sir.” The communications officer had just completed the Admiral’s order, relayed to him via the signal of the man’s hand mock-slashing across his own neck.

The Admiral’s rage ripped off him in near waves, threatening to drown the entire bridge crew should he flood-over.

“Helm. Maintain operational plan. Take us to the Fersto system. Once we have concluded operations there, we will move to the Yeseo system… I have some business to… discuss… with our dearly departed Captain.”

Understanding the Admiral’s order immediately, the bridge crew of the Wyrm silently carry out their commander’s orders. The command ship of their Subterrel fleet lurches slightly as it rockets into hyperspace for the Fersto system to take its place as the third Star Destroyer slotted to annihilate the Republic defenses over the planet and finally nail their coffin shut.

-=Bridge of the Imperial I-class Star Destroyer Redemption, High orbit over the Selaris system, 44:5:35:03:41=-

“All I am saying is that you didn’t have to confine them to their quarters for it!” Jester threw his hands up in frustration, having caught wind of Raven’s detainment of nearly a dozen officers whom had decided to take it upon themselves to throw a celebration for Restoration Day.

“…And all I am saying is that they can sit in their quarters until it is over! We don’t have the time to deal with people running around wanting to be jolly and happy just because a specific day has popped up on the calendar.” Raven replies pointedly, having come down extremely harsh on the officers. He knew he had been a bit rash, but didn’t really care; they were at war.

“So what’s next? You’re going to stop people from celebrating birthdays?”

”I was conside…”

“You’re impossible!” Jester shook his head, his red cybernetic eye boring into Raven’s head.

“And you’re an alcoholic.”

“Low blow.”

“A true blow, however.”

“Just because I enjoy a drink now and again doesn’t mean anything. Besides, I’m still the most competent commander around.”

“Until Kaz gets back.”

“…Well, he IS the ki…”

“Sirs, incoming priority one distress call from the Frigate Chiin’tal.” The duo were interrupted by a frantic Communications officer, eyes wide at his console.

“Patch it through, intercom audio.” Jester snapped out of his little banter with Raven, mismatched eyes focusing on the Comms officer.

“Yes sir…”

“Attention all Subterrel Strike Force personnel, Imperial forces have overwhelmed Yeseo. Attacking forces consisted of three Imperial-class Destroyers, along with dozens of support craft. Our sensors picked up an additional three equivalent signatures en route to other locations. Repeat. There are three other Rogue task forces inbound.”

The communication silenced the bridge for what felt a minute.

“Sir! Confirmed! Long range sensors are detecting three Imperial-class Star Destroyers inbound, one minute to contact!” The yell from the sensor officer was as shrill as a newborn child’s cry.

“Helm! Get us the kriff OUT OF HERE! General quarters, red alert; all hands to battle stations!” Jester screams to the bridge crew, the entirety of the Redemption’s bridge suddenly a flurry of activity.

“Comms, signal the rest of the Strike Force. All ships to conflict-red, signal Code One-Five to the…” Raven’s form quickly lanced over to the sensor console, looking at the various detected trajectories for the incoming Imperial ships. “…Azemin system. Repeat, all ships to conflict-red, Code One-Five to the Azemin system. Loop it on all friendly channels until you receive a confirmation from every kriffing ship.”

Raven shot Jester a glance as both officers stood to return to their normal posts.

“I hope you’re as competent a commander as you were just bragging about.”

“Me too, Raven, me too…”


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