Rebel Squadrons

State of the Rebel Squadrons June 08

By FA Kaz Falcion
Unit: The Rebel Squadrons
SotRS, Jun 07, 2008
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State of Rebel Squadrons- June, 2008

       It’s a new month and that means another SotRS address, so let’s start things out by taking a look at what’s new around various parts of the RS.

High Command
       Discussion and a vote were wrapped up a few weeks ago on a bylaw change regarding units becoming executive offices. The current discussion that’s just begun involves investigating the concept of official RS support of console games.

Executive Offices-
       Operations Office- 1LT Dismal Dupar was recently appointed RS Operations Officer, and since then has been hard at work coming up with competitions for all members to participate in. Currently up is a weekly caption contest, details of which can be found under the news section on the main page. In addition, the Citation of Victory, has been recently created and will be awarded to members who win a non gaming Operations Office competition.

       Logistics Office- Vaughan’s office continued with their myriad of projects this month, including mapping out historical battles to determine their place in the scheme of battles/engagements, and the planning and writing of the excellent news and narrative articles that have helped to enhance the TOD experience.

       As always, the sheer scope and amount of work undertaken by the Logistics Office means that they’re in a near perpetual need of new volunteers. If you have a creative mind, enjoy writing or would just like to help out with the LO, you’re encouraged to contact Commodore Vaughan.


       As I’m sure most of you noticed, the past couple of weeks have seen various periods of time during which our website’s been unavailable. Technology has a tendency to implode when you least expect it, but fortunately we seem to be fairly ok now. Now that things are back up I’d like to take an opportunity to both thank everyone with their patience while the issues were resolved and more importantly thank those who’ve been instrumental in resolving it, but more on that a bit later.

Casual Games-

       One of my goals as FC is to ensure that people have something to do outside of their normal monthly duties. One way to do that is to give people options for ways to interact and enjoy competing with their fellow members in games that may or may not have anything to do with what we normally do here. On the forum, you can find a sub board labeled Casual Games, which lists a few of the non SW gaming interests some of us take up in our free time. Everyone should feel free to add to the list, or ask any questions you might have about the games already listed there.


       And finally (or first for those who skip straight to this part) it’s time to recognize those members who’ve stood out and gone above and beyond in their duties over the course of the past month. So without further ado:

Commander Richo- While I haven’t had the chance yet to speak with you personally, I’ve been told on good authority of the commendable job you’ve done as commander of Dagger Squadron, particularly the amount of work you put in to ensure your unit’s success. Because of this, I’m pleased to award you with the Dagger of Courage.

1LT Dismal Dupar- You’ve only been the Operations Officer for a short time, but in that time you’ve proven to be quite efficient at both coming up with competitions and making suggestions. The recently created Citation of Victory filled a gap in medals that wasn’t even noticed until you proposed it. For your efforts and dedication to your position, I hereby award you with the Dagger of Courage.

Commodore David “Heavy” Pasiechnyk- You’ve frequently shown a willingness to do whatever you can to help out, whether it’s within VSG, creating missions or even on occasion throwing up a post in Zealot. You’ve even shown a knack for completing assignments while you’re supposed to be on vacation. For exemplifying the type of dedication that keeps this entire organization afloat, I’m pleased to award you with the Iridium Spire.

The Internet Office- Clearly we wouldn’t be where we are today without the tremendous work that’s been put into our site over the years, and I think at times some of those who do that work are overlooked. As I mentioned earlier, the past few weeks have been fairly rough as far as the site being up is concerned, but the only reason it was brought back as quick as it was is because of the dedication of our Internet Office Staff.

Josh dealt with the unending questions from members about why and how and when, Licah appeared from the nether into which odd fox creatures go to help out and I’m thankful for the both of them. We should also be thankful to Snap, who while he hasn’t been around as much still helped fix the issue and to date has donated a considerable amount of his own money to ensure we all have a site to enjoy. Because of your dedication, and because frankly it’s a bit overdue to be recognized, I hereby award all three of you the Burdine Cluster, and my personal thanks.

Congratulations to all!

       To close, I’d just like to say again how thankful I am for every member who does what they do every day to keep this place going. Free time isn’t always that easy to come by, and it means something when people choose to spend it towards working to help an organization like this one succeed for as long as it has.

FA Kaz Falcion
Rebel Squadrons Fleet Commander


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