Rebel Squadrons

TeamSpeak server expanded

By FA Licah Fox
Unit: The Rebel Squadrons
General Announcement, Jun 27, 2008
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As announced in my news post about Kaillera, the Rebel Squadrons now hosts its very own TeamSpeak server. To use it, download TeamSpeak and set it up with the following information:

Server Address:
Server Password: rs

If you need help, please ask in #rs_bar_and_grill. I will be making a TeamSpeak help page soon.

The main news from today is that I've created permanent channels for several units, executive offices, and other things. If you're in the RID, for example, you could use the RID TeamSpeak channel to voice chat while playing EaW.

Several of us have been spending time in the TeamSpeak version of the Bar and Grill, so please feel free to come by and see how things work.



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