Rebel Squadrons

RID Map Makers

By COL Teu Veld
Unit: Redemption Fleet
----------, Oct 23, 2009
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Evening RID:
I am looking for people who are able and willing to help the RID command staff in the future. We need people who can make EaW missions that are decent so that we dont have to rely on other people to make them. If you want to learn how to make or can make missions email the command staff and we will get you set up.
Before you ask, yes I can make mission, I just want other options that are open to me in the case I cant make them. I just feel taht anyone willing to learn how or knows how should be to make them.
So if you are interested in making mission for RID and know how just send the command staff with two examples one land and one space.
If you are interested in learning the skill and are still interested I will help you with any questions that you, if you want the software in order to do so the link is below.

EaW Map Editor-;62436

Thank you,
Teu Veld


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