Rebel Squadrons

Resignation of the VSG CO

By FA Sienn "The Rot" Sconn
Unit: The Rebel Squadrons
----------, Feb 23, 2010
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Members of the RS --

Last week, the long term VSG Commanding Officer, Major General Kirghy Lommax, turned in his resignation as VSG CO.

The resignation of a Division CO tends to be a remarkable occasion in the RS; even more so given Kirghy's record of service, both with the VSG and the RS at large.

In the particular case of the office he just resigned, Kirghy held the position of Vigilance Starfighter Group CO through two and a half years and five separate RS Fleet Commanders, beginning with FA Dave Trebonious-Astoris' second term, followed by ADM Raven's first term, FA Falcion's term, my own term, the (short-lived) second term of ADM Efrata-Landis, and now ADM Raven's second term.

Prior to that, Kirghy has a long and storied RS history including service in the old Renegade Fleet, as a member of the Defense Operations Wing in Jedi Squadron, as well as being a long standing member of the now decommissioned Aurora Force.

In light of his record of service throughout the years; some modicum of recognition is in order.

I have already put in for and awarded of my own authority one of the RS's highest medals to Kirghy, the Distinguished Service Cross (details here:

In addition to that, I feel it wholly appropriate to promote MGN Lommax to the rank of Lieutenant General; a promotion I feel is long over due.

I encourage all members of the RS to raise a drink to Lieutenant General Kirghy Lommax, and his service to his unit and this club as a whole.

Kirgs -- on a personal note, you have my thanks and undying respect for over a decade of impeccable work here. If I can be so egotistical as to speak for the club (and I can, because my ego is roughly the size of an aircraft carrier), thank you, from both the RS, and the bottom of my heart.


-Vice Admiral Sienn "The Rot" Sconn
Rebel Squadrons Executive Officer
Allegience Battle Group Executive Officer


COL Teu Veld - Tue Feb 23 2010, 12:22pm
Yay Kirghy ^.^
FA Kaz Falcion - Tue Feb 23 2010, 2:29pm
John Kirghy is a courageous war veteran who always sticks by a decision once made! :P Nah seriously, nice job man, enjoy the rest.
CPT AC_Black - Tue Feb 23 2010, 6:09pm

Not being in the RS that long, I have read about your dedication to the RS and more importantly the members. What interaction I have had with you, has been nothing short, but impeccable. I would like to add my thank you to the rest of the RS membership, may you find peace in whatever position you find yourself in.
CPT James StarGazer - Thu Feb 25 2010, 4:02pm
Thanks for your service Kirghy! ":)
CMDR Keiran Halcyon - Sun Feb 28 2010, 8:11pm
Thank You for your service Semper Fi ":)
LCL Jay Forerunner - Fri Mar 05 2010, 12:00am
Wow, he's been here a very long time. I salute Major General Kirghy Lommax. I only wish I had the chance to meet the person that gave so much.
CPT Jila Cosa - Fri Mar 05 2010, 6:03pm
Congratulations, Kirghy!
CMDR Rahm Nyko - Fri Mar 05 2010, 10:11pm
Congrats on your promotion and your medal ":)