Rebel Squadrons

Technical Difficulties (now in FAQ form!)

By FA Sienn "The Rot" Sconn
Unit: The Rebel Squadrons
----------, Jun 20, 2011
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Sigh. Just an update post to keep everyone appraised. So here's some FAQs I've gotten while being LOA.

"Sconn, where's the FC?"

Kirghy's at Scout Camp. He'll be back next week.

"Sconn, where are the results from the first month's competition...LAST month's competition?"

Well, a few different things have happened. There was a disciplinary issue that affected last month's results, and the reporter form's had some issues (that one's mostly my fault, apparently forms don't like it when you try to make them do things they weren't designed to do). That's...mostly fixed, except I broke the reporter again today when I was sitting down to release results. As soon as I know how long it will take to be fixed, I'll figure out how to do the results - I'd like to do everything together (including releasing the next missions), but if it's going to take an inordinate amount of time, I'll release partial results and an update. Speaking of which...

"Sconn, where are new missions?" the works, just waiting on feedback from the platform coordinators. Wanted to have it done tonight, hoping for within the next 48 hours.

"Sconn, seen any good movies lately?"

I saw Super 8 last week. It was okay. Had that whole ET/Stand by Me/The Goonies kinda feel. Saw the Hangover 2. Eh. I'd like to see Green Lantern though.

"Sconn, what are you having for dinner?"

Chinese food, probably. And I'm getting hungry.

In summation, I'd like to really apologize for this extended downtime. It's...probably about half my personal fault (despite being on LOA for 2 weeks)...not exactly the auspicious start I was hoping for at the beginning of May. However - I still have high hopes moving forward, and in the spirit of such - I'm announcing my own personal competition that begins today.

Beat Sconn in anything! That's right, beat me in anything. Uh...that I play. Which is limited mostly to XBox Live games. Possibly trivia. I've also been playing a lot of the free ESPN arcade games. So...shoot me an email, we'll figure it out.

-ADM Sienn Sconn


FA Sienn "The Rot" Sconn - Mon Jun 20 2011, 7:05pm
SNES games. I play those too. See the emulator. Licah, make sure the emulator's working.