Rebel Squadrons

Missions Database

By ADM David "Heavy" Pasiechnyk
Unit: The Rebel Squadrons
Basic Announcement, Aug 19, 2011
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After the latest wave of Historical Reports in the past few weeks, I've noticed some items of information being left out of the reports when historicals are reported through the Missions Database. I have inserted this missing data into the reports manually, but am now doing a small overhaul of the reporter in the Missions Database. As such, I would request that any Historical Reports be held off until Monday, at which point the reporter page will either be updated or simply not be undergoing active changes.

Thanks, and I will keep you all posted.


ADM David "Heavy" Pasiechnyk - Mon Aug 22 2011, 3:46pm
Hello all. Work is progressing good on the Missions Database reporters, although I was unable to work over the weekend as planned. They'll be down for another day or two. Thanks all for your patience!