Rebel Squadrons

Historical Reporting

By ADM David "Heavy" Pasiechnyk
Unit: The Rebel Squadrons
General Announcement, Sep 06, 2011
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Hello pilots. I've finally managed to get part of the historical reporting revamp done. Now, the reporters at the Missions Database have not been brought back online, however at the ITOD pages there is now a link to a "Historical Reporting System" of sorts where your platform co-ordinators can select and display a suggested historical mission for the month/scoring term, along with drop-down lists at the bottom of the page for you to find and report on previous official missions. Now, the reporters should be working without any hiccups, but I'll be diligently watching for any, and should any of you historical reporting peeps find any please send me an email with a short description.

Thanks for your patience all!

Links for reference:
ITOD System:
Historical Reporting Hub:


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