Rebel Squadrons

Rebel Squadrons Youtube Channel Launches

By FA Danny "David Lee Japan" Qatar
Unit: The Rebel Squadrons
General Announcement, Nov 29, 2011
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As our esteemed FC, Admiral Joshua Hawkins, pointed out in his most recent email:

"Greetings RS!

I'd like to point you to this:

That is our own youtube channel. Currently we have a few videos up of SWTOR and 1 of the flight sims. We need more! We're looking for videos of you playing your favorite star wars game. Either with friends or solo, it doesn't matter. We want it all!

The ministry of propaganda has been hard at work trying to get these videos to you, and there's more on the way.

If you would like to help out by recording a video, taking sreenshots, or if you're musically inclined, please let them know! They will take it all. The end game is the hope we can make a recruitment video, both for the RS and the TOR Guild.

We hope you enjoy the videos presented so far, and hope you check back when more are uploaded.

ADM Joshua Hawkins

Fleet Commander
Official Josh officer of the Internet office.
RSPA:ToR Guild leader"

What We're Hoping For Goes Beyond Just Gaming:

We'd love to see nearly anything our members are creating up on our Youtube site, as we'd like it to reflect the diverse ideas and interests of our members.

So beyond X-wing missions, Star Wars: The Old Republic videos, recruitment films, and other gaming related things, we'd love to have members upload other things they're proud of. These could include anything being done by our members, from performing the Imperial March with your High School band, making a Star Wars fan film (or any film really), or just something you've filmed as a member of our club (recent wedding comes to mind as a good example). If you've filmed 12 hours of yourself sitting in a chair and reading the Great Gatsby and are a member of this club, we'll be happy to put that up too. ;-p

Right now, we want you all to dig into the realm of films you've made over the years and recently, and start getting them our way.

How you can get your Vids formatted & Upload-Ready:

We're going to mostly assume that you're able to take videos in whichever way you please. There are many programs on the net that allow you to do so, including the ever popular FRAPS (Of which we're sure folks are able to get the paid version somewhat free if they're perceptive enough).

We want to assure you're formatting the videos properly before you hand them over to us for upload. Hermus Dogan posted a fantastic guide to getting this done and it can be found right here. It's HIGHLY recommended that you format your videos as best as you're able before handing them over to us for uploading to the Youtube Channel.

Currently, Hermus and Codyman (me) are accepting files for upload, though there are a few other who know how to do it as well, and can usually be found hanging out on our IRC Channel.

So that's it folks, get to making videos, or dig up those old ones that have been sitting around for a while without a proper place on the net.


Ministry of Propaganda, etc, etc...


2LT Turkkin Hos - Thu Mar 08 2012, 1:31am
I didn't know the RS had a Youtube account...