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Gold Squadron Newsletter - March 16th, 2012
Gold Squadron Newsletter
March 16, 2012
=== CO's Ramble ===
Another great session for Gold Squadron has come and gone. We've been seeing a nice rise in activity since the holiday season and I hope to see it maintained. Domeno and Gumbo racked up a stunning amount of points in the ABG, with Nicolai snagging a sizable number as well. With all the regular sims running lately, I'm tempted to build a character and try it myself!
In other news, we have a squadron activity for the approaching session: name Gold's three flights. Further details are in the Squadron Activity section below.
Go for the Gold!
- Major Hermus Dogan
=== Squadron Status ===
During the last session we received a new member, Ace Antilles. Welcome to the squadron, Ace!
Otherwise, nothing to report.
=== Activity ===
In this session we had 77.8% of the squadron reporting some sort of activity, the highest of any squadron: so Gold is top squad! Congrats, all.
From the leader board:
Ace Antilles - 1 SP point
Anubis - 22 MP points
Darth Gumbo - 182.6 MP points
Domeno - 222 MP points
Hermus Dogan - 7.2 SP points
InterlinkKnight - 1 SP point
Nicolai Ginofev - 89.6 MP points
Next session starts this Saturday, the 17th.
=== Promotions ===
No new promotions to announce. During the session, however, both myself and Interlink were promoted to Major.
=== Medals ===
Colonel Nicolai Ginofev, Major Darth Gumbo and First Lieutenant Domeno: for your stellar simming efforts during the session, I nominate the three of you for the Merit Commendation. Congratulations!
Colonel JCMcGoo: You've just passed your nine year mark in the RS, so I'm nominating you for your 9-year Service Medal. Congrats!
Additionally, 1LT Domeno earned his Assistant Game Master Patch during this session and moved right into GMing for the ABG. Nicely done, Domeno!
=== Squadron Activity ===
In the special activity for this month we're looking for suggestions on naming each of Gold's three flights. If you're not sure what I mean, have a look at the flight names of Red and Red Dragon squadrons on the roster page. I thought about going the Red Dragon route and using various shades of gold for the theme, but I wasn't too sure on the idea.
Therefore, send your ideas forth. You can post them in the following forum thread: http://www.rebelsquadrons.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=3427
Otherwise, there are the usual batch of activities.
Simming - Many of you are already familiar with this. http://rpg.rebelsquadrons.org/
Flight sims and EaW - The new missions haven't been posted yet, but they'll be in the usual place. http://www.rebelsquadrons.org/itod/
Historical missions - You can always play old missions from the various platforms and report the results for a limited number of activity points. Listing here: http://missions.rebelsquadrons.org/ and reporting here: http://www.rebelsquadrons.org/itod/hist/
Multiplayer - Play matches of any game you can provide a screenshot of the results for, but at least two members of the RS must participate in the match to qualify. http://www.rebelsquadrons.org/multiplayer/mp_non_comp
Fiction - Introduced as a squadron activity in the last session, now a permanent option. Rules are in the section below.
= Fiction Writing =
This is a permanent activity for whenever you feel the inkling. Write about whatever your RS character might be up to. Recent activities, a specific event in the character's life, playing a practical joke on another member, etc. If you're into simming with the ABG you can alternately pick any of the characters you've created for that. Yes, even dead ones. In addition, you can write about the (mis)adventures of your character(s) in SWTOR if you like, or just use the Old Republic setting for a framework.
The fiction must be at least 300 words, but can otherwise be as long as you want. You'll receive a point for each piece of fiction you write (going by the points awarded for my and Nicolai's entries for January by Kirghy). These rules are subject to change whenever High Command gets the new system worked out.
You can post your fiction in this forum section: http://www.rebelsquadrons.org/forums/viewforum.php?f=64
=== Closing ===
That's all for now. Go for the Gold!
March 16, 2012
=== CO's Ramble ===
Another great session for Gold Squadron has come and gone. We've been seeing a nice rise in activity since the holiday season and I hope to see it maintained. Domeno and Gumbo racked up a stunning amount of points in the ABG, with Nicolai snagging a sizable number as well. With all the regular sims running lately, I'm tempted to build a character and try it myself!
In other news, we have a squadron activity for the approaching session: name Gold's three flights. Further details are in the Squadron Activity section below.
Go for the Gold!
- Major Hermus Dogan
=== Squadron Status ===
During the last session we received a new member, Ace Antilles. Welcome to the squadron, Ace!
Otherwise, nothing to report.
=== Activity ===
In this session we had 77.8% of the squadron reporting some sort of activity, the highest of any squadron: so Gold is top squad! Congrats, all.
From the leader board:
Ace Antilles - 1 SP point
Anubis - 22 MP points
Darth Gumbo - 182.6 MP points
Domeno - 222 MP points
Hermus Dogan - 7.2 SP points
InterlinkKnight - 1 SP point
Nicolai Ginofev - 89.6 MP points
Next session starts this Saturday, the 17th.
=== Promotions ===
No new promotions to announce. During the session, however, both myself and Interlink were promoted to Major.
=== Medals ===
Colonel Nicolai Ginofev, Major Darth Gumbo and First Lieutenant Domeno: for your stellar simming efforts during the session, I nominate the three of you for the Merit Commendation. Congratulations!
Colonel JCMcGoo: You've just passed your nine year mark in the RS, so I'm nominating you for your 9-year Service Medal. Congrats!
Additionally, 1LT Domeno earned his Assistant Game Master Patch during this session and moved right into GMing for the ABG. Nicely done, Domeno!
=== Squadron Activity ===
In the special activity for this month we're looking for suggestions on naming each of Gold's three flights. If you're not sure what I mean, have a look at the flight names of Red and Red Dragon squadrons on the roster page. I thought about going the Red Dragon route and using various shades of gold for the theme, but I wasn't too sure on the idea.
Therefore, send your ideas forth. You can post them in the following forum thread: http://www.rebelsquadrons.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=3427
Otherwise, there are the usual batch of activities.
Simming - Many of you are already familiar with this. http://rpg.rebelsquadrons.org/
Flight sims and EaW - The new missions haven't been posted yet, but they'll be in the usual place. http://www.rebelsquadrons.org/itod/
Historical missions - You can always play old missions from the various platforms and report the results for a limited number of activity points. Listing here: http://missions.rebelsquadrons.org/ and reporting here: http://www.rebelsquadrons.org/itod/hist/
Multiplayer - Play matches of any game you can provide a screenshot of the results for, but at least two members of the RS must participate in the match to qualify. http://www.rebelsquadrons.org/multiplayer/mp_non_comp
Fiction - Introduced as a squadron activity in the last session, now a permanent option. Rules are in the section below.
= Fiction Writing =
This is a permanent activity for whenever you feel the inkling. Write about whatever your RS character might be up to. Recent activities, a specific event in the character's life, playing a practical joke on another member, etc. If you're into simming with the ABG you can alternately pick any of the characters you've created for that. Yes, even dead ones. In addition, you can write about the (mis)adventures of your character(s) in SWTOR if you like, or just use the Old Republic setting for a framework.
The fiction must be at least 300 words, but can otherwise be as long as you want. You'll receive a point for each piece of fiction you write (going by the points awarded for my and Nicolai's entries for January by Kirghy). These rules are subject to change whenever High Command gets the new system worked out.
You can post your fiction in this forum section: http://www.rebelsquadrons.org/forums/viewforum.php?f=64
=== Closing ===
That's all for now. Go for the Gold!