Rebel Squadrons

RS Executive Office Report #1

By ADM Kirghy Lommax
Unit: The Rebel Squadrons
----------, Mar 31, 2014
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RS Executive Office Report #1

It's been a short week at the XO's office since I've only been here since Thursday. However, I figured a brief report on what I've done since then wouldn't hurt.

Squadron CS AWOL check: I am conducting an AWOL check of all Squadron command staff that ends this Saturday. COs and XOs, if I haven't heard from you yet, contact me by then.

Participated in the RS NCAA Bracket Challenge: I'll win as long as Kentucky doesn't. You hear me, Teu?


Our illustrious FC is out of town on vacation and, unfortunately, doesn't have the Internet access he thought he would. He should be back Thursday.

Anyway, that's all for this report. GL HF, and MTFBWY. :)

Commodore Kirghy Lommax


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