Rebel Squadrons

Operations Office Update

By FA Sienn "The Rot" Sconn
Unit: The Rebel Squadrons
General Announcement, Apr 08, 2014
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Happy Tuesday evening from your friendly neighborhood OO. I'm not like Kirghy and I don't feel obligated to obligated to regale you with tales of what I've done since being appointed Operations Officer. I will say the past few weeks have involved a fair amount of Vicodin, and my wife's enduring disapproval - but what else is new?

I don't have a whole lot of time so I'll just get right into some of the things I'm looking for at this point.

1 - Social Media

As you may or may not know, the RS maintains a pretty healthy social media presence on the following sites:

Google Plus


Our social media presence is handled by ADM Danny "David Lee Japan" Qatar, AKA Cody, AKA Codyman, AKA Lord Wobble Puppy, AKA the RS Publishing Coordinator. For years, literally, Cody has touched just about every single post that goes out on each of our social media platforms (my occasional drunk and poorly formatted posts not withstanding) and that's a mighty big task for one person, even one of Cody's stature.

In a word, what we're looking for is CONTENT. We're asking for everyone to start pushing any cool, Star Wars related stuff you find towards Cody for publication via our social media channels. Read a cool article about an upcoming game like Battlefront or a well-written review of a recent SW novel? Send them over to Cody. Maybe you're out on Wookieepedia and found something interesting out there? Send it to Cody. See an interview or a podcast? That's right, send it to Cody.

We've set up a special redirect for him and everything - feel free to send any of that stuff to We'll be keeping track of and rewarding contributors, so get going!

2 - RS March Madness

As Kirghy already announced in his RSXO update, he is the champion of the RS March Madness pool for 2014. He's been awarded the Citation of Victory, and everyone who participated got a merit commendation. It's important to note, however, that nobody in the group picked the correct champion (UCONN) and only Teu actually had a correct pick in the Final Four. So...go us!

3 - Writers Wanted

Once again, the call goes out from the RS Executive Offices looking for writers. This time around though, we'll be doing things a little bit differently - I'm currently looking for a handful of writers willing to try a few things that we haven't really done writing wise in the RS before. We'll certainly be producing fiction to support Raven's efforts in the Logistics Office, but we'll also be producing content for Cody relative to point 1 above, and I'd also like to leverage the writing skill we already have within the fleet to create some of our own, unique, non-fictional content as well.

If you're interested in participating, please email me at No experience necessary, void where prohibited.

Finally, on my way out, I know Kaz is still looking for feedback on some new platforms to support for modern gaming, so if you've got any further suggestions, feel free to pass them on.

-ADM Sienn "The Rot" Sconn
Rebel Squadrons Operations Officer
Sconn Stuff Goes Here


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