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9/8 Trivia Over, 9/11 Quiz posted
The 9/11 Trivia Quiz has been posted here.
The answers for the 9/8 Quiz were:
1. C-3P0
2. Sandcrawler
3. Owen Lars
4. Restraining bolt
5. Tunisia
6. Wedge Antilles
Perfect scores for 9/8 quiz: Raven, Ramz, and jeff bloom.
RA Kirghy Lommax
The answers for the 9/8 Quiz were:
1. C-3P0
2. Sandcrawler
3. Owen Lars
4. Restraining bolt
5. Tunisia
6. Wedge Antilles
Perfect scores for 9/8 quiz: Raven, Ramz, and jeff bloom.
RA Kirghy Lommax