Rebel Squadrons

1/18 Trivia Quiz results, 1/25 Quiz posted

By ADM Kirghy Lommax
Unit: The Rebel Squadrons
General Announcement, Jan 25, 2015
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The 1/25 Trivia Quiz can be found here.

Perfect scores for the 1/18 quiz: Raven and CrazyCarl

1/18 Quiz answers:

1. When asked why the Star Destroyer fleet surrounding the second Death Star wasn't engaging the Rebel fleet, who replied "I have my orders from the Emperor himself. He has something special planned for them. We only need keep them from escaping"? Admiral Piett
2. What did Moff Jerjerrod tell Darth Vader he needed to complete the second Death Star on schedule? More men
3. Before the Battle of Endor, how much more training did Luke require according to Yoda? None
4. Which actor portrayed the Ewok Wicket W. Warrick? Warwick Davis (He also played the title role in Willow.)
5. To what was the Emperor referring when he said, "You want this, don't you," to Luke Skywalker? Luke's lightsaber
6. Where did Luke Skywalker get shot during the battle over the Pit of Carkoon? His right hand. Also accepted his prosthetic or artificial hand. However, you had to specify which hand.
7. What did Princess Leia have that scared Wicket? Her helmet.
8. What craft's cockpit remains stable around a gyroscopically rotatable main body? B-Wing

RA Kirghy Lommax


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