Rebel Squadrons

Star Wars: Uprising goes live on Thursday

By FA Licah Fox
Unit: The Rebel Squadrons
General Announcement, Sep 07, 2015
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Greetings, all,

I encourage you to give Star Wars: Uprising a try when it gets released this week on Thursday, September 10. It's an action RPG that deals with the aftermath of the Battle of Endor.

People have been giving it good reviews in New Zealand and other places where it was given an early release.

We will form a Rebel Squadrons clan in-game and you should all join it. Once you do, you can earn duration reporting points for your squadron and yourself.

If you need a mobile operating system, you can get Android on your computer using Andy:

Also, you can combine with other RSers in-game and submit reports for the MGPCD this mission, since this is a new game.

Enjoy, and let me know what you think! Or feel free to post on the forums.

Fleet Admiral Licah Fox
Modern Gaming Platform Coordinator


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