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New Year Update
Happy New Year!
2020 was a challenging year for quite a few of us so I'll just start by saying that I hope that 2021 brings everyone good fortune and that this year goes much better than last for each and every one of you.
As you're all aware, this session was an extended one to end the Titan Arc, and I am excited to announce that the next arc will be a bit of a blast from the past. Our new Logistics Officer Captain Strike Adrella-Highwing has written up a campaign arc exploring the fictional beginnings of the Rebel Squadrons. With assistance from some of the 'old guard' of the RS, we are pulling names, resources, locations, and battles from way back in the day and building them in modern platforms. Details for the first mission will be announced late in January when the new objectives go up on the site.
Please note that current objectives are still up, including the XWA mission which had a bit of technical difficulties. As a reminder, the current XWA objective and mission link are both here:
The RS Pilot Draft is coming up. The draft will be held SATURDAY January 16th, 2021, starting at Noon EST. For anyone unfamiliar with this, it is a shuffle of all of our squadrons, with a few new Commanding Officers, and a new layout for squadron based rewards and shiny things for you all! I am very excited for this, and hope that it will encourage people to get to know and play games with different members in the RS than they have in the past, as well as improve intra-squadron rivalries.
Currently, I have four solid Squad COs, but would like 1-2 more to round out the rosters. Anyone interested should contact me on Discord (Raven) or via E-mail (Link found on my profile page).
The Reorg link and Draft Google Sheet are here if anyone wants to browse them:
Draft Doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Libtl_rSCPhci1Ge2pzO4iV7ndzvsRO7NjiMvgIx1cI/edit
Draft List: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1whHGhiAIwufoYxyTJYtptX5TyJ3iu-NHUaBrOik6EdU/edit#gid=0
The list will be updated again on January 15th for our current roster.
With the holidays, and all the other ridiculousness going on this year, we have been working hard behind the scenes to redo our infrastructure behind the workings of sessions and how we do things. I firmly believe the whole point of the RS is to have fun, relieve stress, and give us all that Star Wars and general gaming escapism that each of us enjoys and so a simplification of some of our more complex processes was drastically needed.
Starting in February I'll be going back to regular monthly SotRS announcements. If anyone has any promotions, medals, or other recommendations, please provide them to me by January 21st, 2021; as I will be putting together all of that stuff from the beginning of my tenure here as Fleet Commander.
Finally, I think it's healthy to keep everyone informed on what in blazes we all are doing. When I talk about things 'behind the scenes', it should be a window, not a curtain. As stated earlier, we have fully revamped our session template, simplifying it and making it more clear as to what objectives are, what participation levels we are looking for, etc. This new template will be debuted with next session. This mainly involves the command staff, but members will be able to more clearly see what fictional effects they have on our universe, and the levels have been made a bit less harsh.
Between Captain Adrella-Highwing and I, we have a 6-ish session 'blast from the past' storyline planned out, exploring the fictional beginnings of the RS and how we became a keystone for New Republic operations along the Rimma Trade Route. If the session is received well, we will continue it, and move forward toward the beginnings of conflict and the prelude to our initial ITOD missions from the 90s and early 2000s. However, all of that planning and the mission layouts are already complete, and the first mission has been released a month early to our mission builders and command staff so that they can have plenty of time to come up with things to do for the new session.
My personal current project is re-reviewing all of our medals and awards. I believe it is healthy to take a look at these every so often, as our priorities both in real life and in the RS shift every few years. By keeping these fresh and changing the more generic ones up, we can create new, unique medals and awards that nobody has, and allow people to strive to achieve them and have a unique story to tell in the RS. Things like the 'T' medal have a proud history behind them and just mentioning them brings back memories of what you had to do to get them. Personally my first attempt at this medal took absolutely forever, and my game bugged out at ~980,000 score. I nearly threw my monitor out of the window; but the thought still brings a smile when it comes up. We'd like to enable people to create more of these moments. Keep an eye on the Special Fleet Commander objective for next session, because as a sneak peek into the new kind of awards we will be giving out: The top scoring pilot for the SFC objective will be invited to help create the criteria for and have control over the name of a new Medal to be awarded in the RS.
As a parting thought, I hope that the RS is able to be one of those things that helps you get through some of the rough patches that we all have and enjoy yourself with some Star Wars escapism, and games with friends. If there's anything that can be improved, or something that you see as a problem in the RS, please feel free to contact me; as it's my job to keep the RS an inclusive and fun place to be for all of us.
Thank you,
-Fleet Commander Michael Raven
2020 was a challenging year for quite a few of us so I'll just start by saying that I hope that 2021 brings everyone good fortune and that this year goes much better than last for each and every one of you.
As you're all aware, this session was an extended one to end the Titan Arc, and I am excited to announce that the next arc will be a bit of a blast from the past. Our new Logistics Officer Captain Strike Adrella-Highwing has written up a campaign arc exploring the fictional beginnings of the Rebel Squadrons. With assistance from some of the 'old guard' of the RS, we are pulling names, resources, locations, and battles from way back in the day and building them in modern platforms. Details for the first mission will be announced late in January when the new objectives go up on the site.
Please note that current objectives are still up, including the XWA mission which had a bit of technical difficulties. As a reminder, the current XWA objective and mission link are both here:
The RS Pilot Draft is coming up. The draft will be held SATURDAY January 16th, 2021, starting at Noon EST. For anyone unfamiliar with this, it is a shuffle of all of our squadrons, with a few new Commanding Officers, and a new layout for squadron based rewards and shiny things for you all! I am very excited for this, and hope that it will encourage people to get to know and play games with different members in the RS than they have in the past, as well as improve intra-squadron rivalries.
Currently, I have four solid Squad COs, but would like 1-2 more to round out the rosters. Anyone interested should contact me on Discord (Raven) or via E-mail (Link found on my profile page).
The Reorg link and Draft Google Sheet are here if anyone wants to browse them:
Draft Doc: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Libtl_rSCPhci1Ge2pzO4iV7ndzvsRO7NjiMvgIx1cI/edit
Draft List: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1whHGhiAIwufoYxyTJYtptX5TyJ3iu-NHUaBrOik6EdU/edit#gid=0
The list will be updated again on January 15th for our current roster.
With the holidays, and all the other ridiculousness going on this year, we have been working hard behind the scenes to redo our infrastructure behind the workings of sessions and how we do things. I firmly believe the whole point of the RS is to have fun, relieve stress, and give us all that Star Wars and general gaming escapism that each of us enjoys and so a simplification of some of our more complex processes was drastically needed.
Starting in February I'll be going back to regular monthly SotRS announcements. If anyone has any promotions, medals, or other recommendations, please provide them to me by January 21st, 2021; as I will be putting together all of that stuff from the beginning of my tenure here as Fleet Commander.
Finally, I think it's healthy to keep everyone informed on what in blazes we all are doing. When I talk about things 'behind the scenes', it should be a window, not a curtain. As stated earlier, we have fully revamped our session template, simplifying it and making it more clear as to what objectives are, what participation levels we are looking for, etc. This new template will be debuted with next session. This mainly involves the command staff, but members will be able to more clearly see what fictional effects they have on our universe, and the levels have been made a bit less harsh.
Between Captain Adrella-Highwing and I, we have a 6-ish session 'blast from the past' storyline planned out, exploring the fictional beginnings of the RS and how we became a keystone for New Republic operations along the Rimma Trade Route. If the session is received well, we will continue it, and move forward toward the beginnings of conflict and the prelude to our initial ITOD missions from the 90s and early 2000s. However, all of that planning and the mission layouts are already complete, and the first mission has been released a month early to our mission builders and command staff so that they can have plenty of time to come up with things to do for the new session.
My personal current project is re-reviewing all of our medals and awards. I believe it is healthy to take a look at these every so often, as our priorities both in real life and in the RS shift every few years. By keeping these fresh and changing the more generic ones up, we can create new, unique medals and awards that nobody has, and allow people to strive to achieve them and have a unique story to tell in the RS. Things like the 'T' medal have a proud history behind them and just mentioning them brings back memories of what you had to do to get them. Personally my first attempt at this medal took absolutely forever, and my game bugged out at ~980,000 score. I nearly threw my monitor out of the window; but the thought still brings a smile when it comes up. We'd like to enable people to create more of these moments. Keep an eye on the Special Fleet Commander objective for next session, because as a sneak peek into the new kind of awards we will be giving out: The top scoring pilot for the SFC objective will be invited to help create the criteria for and have control over the name of a new Medal to be awarded in the RS.
As a parting thought, I hope that the RS is able to be one of those things that helps you get through some of the rough patches that we all have and enjoy yourself with some Star Wars escapism, and games with friends. If there's anything that can be improved, or something that you see as a problem in the RS, please feel free to contact me; as it's my job to keep the RS an inclusive and fun place to be for all of us.
Thank you,
-Fleet Commander Michael Raven