Rebel Squadrons

About X-Wing - B-Wing

B-Wing was the second and final single-floppy addition to X-Wing that added Tour 5, a twenty mission tour with four choices of two different missions, making a total of twenty-four, and equally as important, the B-Wing starfighter, intended to replace the Y-Wing. The B-Wing comes with a set of six of its own historical missions, and can be flown in the Pilot Proving Ground.

Floppy Disk Contents

DETECT.EXE        5,400   May 12 1993   Detects system settings for the installation program.
DISK.ID              41   Oct  6 1993   Disk identification as B-Wing.
INSTALL.EXE     138,002   Jul 28 1992   The installation program.
READ.ME          13,885   Sep 24 1993   Electronic readme file.
TOD5.001      1,292,532   Oct  6 1993   The data for B-Wing.

Files After Installation

BFLIGHT.OVL    253,292
BFRONT.OVL     583,396
BWING.EXE      275,053
DETECT.EXE       5,400
FASTNO.CFG          26
FASTYES.CFG         26
INSTALL.EXE    138,002
LANDRU.CFG          26
MEDNO.CFG           26
MEDYES.CFG          26
OPTIONS.CFG         26
READ.ME         13,885
SHIP4.XID            8
SLOWNO.CFG          26
SLOWYES.CFG         26
TOPACE4.BAK      1,706
TOPACE4.PLT      1,706
TOUR5.XID            8
XWING.COM        7,643

AWING.INT        1,061
B12HIGH.LFD      4,273
B2CLK.LFD       12,487
B2HIGH.LFD       4,438
B3CLK-B.LFD      4,685
B3HIGH.LFD       4,154
BFULL.LFD        2,990
BWING.INT        1,061
BWING12.LFD     17,381
BWINGP.PNL      12,248
PARTS.PNL       20,547
XWING.INT        1,061
YWING.INT        1,061

T5H1WB.BRF       7,740   HM 1: Project Shantipole
T5H1WB.XWI       2,644
T5H2MB.BRF       7,018   HM 2: Assault Imperial Convoy
T5H2MB.XWI       2,644
T5H3MB.BRF       6,913   HM 3: Capture the Frigate Priam
T5H3MB.XWI       2,418
T5H4WB.BRF       6,132   HM 4: B-wing Attack on the Shrike
T5H4WB.XWI       1,818
T5H5WB.BRF       6,880   HM 5: Attack Death Star Surface
T5H5WB.XWI       2,644
T5H6MB.BRF       6,480   HM 6: Death Star Trench Run
T5H6MB.XWI       1,234
T5M01WX.BRF      7,868   OP 1: Protect B-wing Assembly Area
T5M01WX.XWI      2,574
T5M02WX.BRF      7,043   OP 2: Cover Assembly Area Evacuation
T5M02WX.XWI      2,644
T5M03WA.BRF      6,794   OP 3: Protect B-wing Delivery
T5M03WA.XWI      2,644
T5M04MB.BRF      8,117   OP 4: Destroy TIE Staging Area
T5M04MB.XWI      3,064
T5M05MB.BRF      7,132   OP 5: Destroy Secret Weapons Base
T5M05MB.XWI      2,496
T5M06MY.BRF      7,306   OP 6: Prisoner Rescue
T5M06MY.XWI      2,714
T5M07MX.BRF      7,648   OP 7: Help Neutrals Out of Ambush
T5M07MX.XWI      2,714
T5M08WA.BRF      6,399   OP 8: Escort VIP to Alliance Cruiser
T5M08WA.XWI      2,496
T5M08WA2.BRF     6,399   OP 8: Escort VIP to Alliance Cruiser
T5M08WA2.XWI     2,496
T5M09MA.BRF      6,130   OP 9: Guard Cargo Pickup
T5M09MA.XWI      2,348
T5M10WB.BRF      7,593   OP 10: Probe Capture
T5M10WB.XWI      2,714
T5M11MBB.BRF     7,846   OP 11B: Destroy Imperial Base
T5M11MBB.XWI     2,854
T5M11WBA.BRF     7,147   OP 11A: Destroy Corvette Base
T5M11WBA.XWI     2,854
T5M12MB.BRF      6,166   OP 12: Intercept Imperial Attack
T5M12MB.XWI      2,644
T5M13MA.BRF      6,782   OP 13: Protect B-Wing Delivery
T5M13MA.XWI      2,496
T5M14MBB.BRF     7,071   OP 14B: Capture Imperial Officers
T5M14MBB.XWI     2,270
T5M14WXA.BRF     7,954   OP 14A: Capture Imperial Frigate
T5M14WXA.XWI     2,496
T5M15WA.BRF      6,772   OP 15: Escort B-wings on Attack
T5M15WA.XWI      2,340
T5M16WB.BRF     10,154   OP 16: Attack Probe Calibration Site
T5M16WB.XWI      3,974
T5M17MAA.BRF     8,641   OP 17A: Ambush Arms Shipment
T5M17MAA.XWI     3,204
T5M17WBB.BRF     6,965   OP 17B: Disrupt Delivery of New TIEs
T5M17WBB.XWI     2,644
T5M18WB.BRF      7,044   OP 18: Destroy the Relentless!
T5M18WB.XWI      2,644
T5M19MB.BRF      8,964   OP 19: Operation "Blunt Stick"
T5M19MB.XWI      3,274
T5M20MBA.BRF     6,665   OP 20A: Save the Cruiser Cathleen
T5M20MBA.XWI     2,574
T5M20WBB.BRF     6,874   OP 20B: Escape to Hoth!
T5M20WBB.XWI     2,644

BINTRO.LFD     160,313
BISPCH.LFD      78,360
BMISSION.LFD    20,831
BOX.LFD         61,919
BTITLE.LFD      28,576
BWING.CFT       10,058
BWING.LFD      326,391
CREDITS.LFD      1,444
HHMUSIC.LFD     15,025
HHSPCH.LFD     121,376
HOTH.LFD       211,855
PROBE.LFD      141,617