Rebel Squadrons
Person: FA Tyrell "Spokes" Borran
Medal: Kessel Cup

Date: July 22, 2006
Nominated by: FA Licah Fox
Awarded by: FA Licah Fox
Reason for nomination: I have only been RS Fleet Commander for four days now, but I can already feel the sudden and unexpected pressures that arise, as well as the feeling of never being able to do everything that needs to be done, that is unique to this position and no other in the RS. It is therefore my opinion that all those who have led the Rebel Squadrons for a significant length of time, and I believe Spokes' sixteen months is easily significant, have earned a Kessel Cup - ||U|| - for "unusual and difficult service to the RS". You may have heard former FCs speak of the "Big Chair" -- well, it seems more of a "Really Visible Chair", and I think that sitting in it for as long as he did earned Spokes the Kessel Cup. Congratulations again, Spokes! And thank you for your long service. ":)
Comments by awarding officer: See the 21 July 2006 State of the Rebel Squadrons. Congratulations, everyone! ":)

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