Rebel Squadrons

Medals For Fleet Admiral Tyrell "Spokes" Borran

Symbol Name Fleet Category No. Held Reason
{{Activity Top Gun}} RS Activity Top Gun RS-Wide Accomplishment 1 Reason
={TOP SQUAD}= RS Top Squadron RS-Wide Accomplishment 2 Reason
{{TOP GUN}} RS Top Gun MP RS-Wide Accomplishment 2 Reason
{TOPGUN} RS Top Gun SP RS-Wide Accomplishment 1 Reason
^|SCC|^ Subterrel Campaign Medal RS-Wide Campaign 1 Reason
^|BCC|^ Binaural Campaign Medal RS-Wide Campaign 1 Reason
^|CCC|^ Cadrel Campaign Medal RS-Wide Campaign 1
^|BVM|^ Blerthmore Vigilant's Medal RS-Wide Campaign 1 Reason
]]]<(*)>[[[ New Republic Medal of Honor RS-Wide Combat 2 Reason
*†* Alliance Dagger RS-Wide Combat 11 Reason
^|DCC|^ Dauntless Combat Citation RS-Wide Combat 14 Reason
^|VCC|^ Valiance Combat Citation RS-Wide Combat 53 Reason
~ODP~ Operational Development Pin RS-Wide Combat 7 Reason
*:* Violet Cluster RS-Wide Combat 5 Reason
|*| Combat Citation RS-Wide Combat 16 Reason
~*UC*~ Unit Commendation RS-Wide Commendation 2 Reason
|//Oo| Tatooine Suns RS-Wide Commendation 1 Reason
||U|| Kessel Cup RS-Wide Commendation 1 Reason
Excellency of Duty RS-Wide Commendation 3
-^†^- Dagger of Courage RS-Wide Commendation 2 Reason
-=*O*=- Citation of Victory RS-Wide Commendation 2 Reason
=*= Merit Commendation RS-Wide Commendation 7 Reason
<=*=> Retired Unit Commendation RS-Wide Retired 8 Reason
~[+]~ Vigilance Flying Cross RS-Wide Retired 2 Reason
||--->|| Tour Champion Award RS-Wide Retired 7 Reason
{o~;;} Dantooine Key Citation RS-Wide Retired 13 Reason
{{INTREPID}} RS Intrepid Cup RS-Wide Retired 1 Reason
{{PATRIOT}} RS Patriot Cup RS-Wide Retired 4 Reason
{{RENEGADE}} RS Renegade Cup RS-Wide Retired 1 Reason
~*TOD*~ Tour of Duty Pin RS-Wide Retired 4 Reason
- oo - Golden Eyes RS-Wide Retired 3 Reason
[=*=] Unit Commander's Commendation RS-Wide Retired 1
<=HC=> High Command Service Medal RS-Wide Service 1 Reason
~{|XX|}~ Rebel Squadrons 20th Anniversary Medal RS-Wide Service 1 Reason
|_/=†=\_| Distinguished Service Cross RS-Wide Service 1
*XXII* 22-Year Service Medal (NEW) RS-Wide Service 1 Reason
*XXI* 21-Year Service Medal RS-Wide Service 1 Reason
*XIX* 19-Year Service Medal RS-Wide Service 1 Reason
*XVIII* 18-Year Service Medal RS-Wide Service 1 Reason
*XVII* 17-Year Service Medal RS-Wide Service 2 Reason
*XVI* 16-Year Service Medal RS-Wide Service 1 Reason
*XV* 15-Year Service Medal RS-Wide Service 1 Reason
*XIV* 14-Year Service Medal RS-Wide Service 1 Reason
([<|=(MoE)=|>]) PBF Medal of Excellence PSG Accomplishment 1 Reason
[<|=(V)=|>] PBF Medal of Victory for X-Wing PSG Combat 16 Reason
[<|=(VT)=|>] PBF Medal of Victory for TIE PSG Combat 1 Reason
{[-PBFMoA-]} PBF Medal of Activity PSG Commendation 23 Reason
-=-()-=- PBF Most Active Squadron PSG Commendation 1 Reason
~X@X~ X-Wing Academy Combat Tactics Medal: X-Wing PSG Graduation 1
RS=1st=CD CD Ribbon: First Place Victory RSCD Combat 4 Reason
RS=MC=CD CD Ribbon: Master-Commando RSCD Combat 2 Reason
RS=MS=CD CD Ribbon: Master-Sniper RSCD Combat 2 Reason
*(K)* Katarn Crescent RSCD Combat 1 Reason
+*+ CD Combat Citation RSCD Combat 1 Reason
-=*=- RSCD Achievement Medal RSCD Commendation 1 Reason
*{0}* RSCD Legion of Merit RSCD Commendation 3 Reason
-=*|*=- RSCD Unit Citation RSCD Commendation 1 Reason
~*|*+*|*~ Master Cadet with Honors, CD Academic System RSCD Graduation 1 Reason
-@- Katarn Commando Service Pin RSCD Service 1 Reason
/[}$RgF${] RgF Medal of Valor RgF Combat 5 Reason
(#RgF#) RgF Merit Pin RgF Combat 1 Reason
}~@RgF=TA@~{ RgF Top Ace RgF Combat 3 Reason
{|^~*~^|} RgF Top Squad RgF Combat 3 Reason
{|^~W~^|} RgF Top Wing RgF Combat 12 Reason
^(<=§=>)^ RgF The Order of the Renegade RgF Commendation 1 Reason
-=(A*[}}=*F)=- AF Broken Bottle Award AF Commendation 1 Reason
~|^|%|^|~ Master Cadet with Honors, Aurora Force Academy AF Graduation 1
-=*Ø*=- IBG Commander’s Golden Chalice IBG Accomplishment 17 Reason
*=X=* IBG Elite Squadron of the Season IBG Accomplishment 10 Reason
~*Ễ*~ IBG Endor Citation IBG Accomplishment 1
`~-¤-~` IBG Greoop Crescent IBG Accomplishment 1 Reason
~~B~~ IBG Bronze Wings IBG Combat 13 Reason
-(§)- IBG Combat Patch IBG Combat 1 Reason
-=^(GG)^=- IBG Domination League Gold Gun Medal IBG Combat 1 Reason
-=^(B)^=- IBG Domination League Medal of Bravery IBG Combat 1 Reason
-=^(SM)^=- IBG Domination League Silver Gun Medal IBG Combat 2 Reason
~~G~~ IBG Gold Wings IBG Combat 5 Reason
[~:Æ:~] IBG Killboard Cup IBG Combat 5 Reason
~~P~~ IBG Platinum Wings IBG Combat 1 Reason
~~S~~ IBG Silver Wings IBG Combat 6 Reason
~*{{:�:}}*~ IBG Commander's Unit Citation IBG Commendation 2 Reason
~/=٭}۷‡۷{٭=~ IBG Cross Of Excellence IBG Commendation 1 Reason
~(IBG)~ IBG Honorary Member Award IBG Honorary 1 Reason
~!*!@!*!~ RS Academy Commander's Medal of Excellence Academy Accomplishment 2
<<<()C()>>> RS Academy Command Staff Medal Academy Accomplishment 1
<<()S()>> RS Academy Senior Staff Medal Academy Accomplishment 2
[[(¤)//]] RS Academy Instructors Medal Academy Accomplishment 3
-={[*XW*]}=- RS Academy X-Wing Expert Mission Maker Academy Graduation 1
=|[XW]|= RS Academy X-Wing Mission Maker Academy Graduation 1
{OTS} OTS Bronze Ribbon Academy Graduation 1 Reason
=:{XWA}:= Master Cadet with Honors (X-Wing Alliance) Academy Graduation 1
*))@((* Master Cadet with Honors (X-Wing vs. TIE Fighter) Academy Graduation 1
~|¤|@|¤|~ Master Cadet with Honors (X-Wing) Academy Graduation 1
~o[GA]o~ Honorary Grey Alpha Academy Honorary 1 Reason
VSG Ladder Participation Medal VSG Combat 1 Reason
~o(VRC)o~ VSG Renegade Cup VSG Combat 2 Reason
~o[VTS]o~ VSG Top Squadron VSG Combat 11 Reason
[V*|*D] Vigilance Dagger VSG Commendation 3 Reason