Rebel Squadrons
Person: FA Licah Fox
Medal: Kessel Cup

Date: March 7, 2005
Nominated by: CMDR Rekstar Rukilian
Awarded by: FA Tyrell "Spokes" Borran
Reason for nomination: As my predecessor in his service as Rebel Squadrons Chief of Staff, the retiring General Licah Fox has completed an extraordinary service record in less than four years. His tenure as Chief of Staff brought many changes to the executive staff and many projects that will continue on today that will serve for the betterment of the RS as a whole. His assertive nature when starting projects have set the footsteps for future officers such as myself. I hereby nominate him for the Kessel Cup.
Comments by awarding officer: Again, well-earned. Of special note is the amount of work that you put in to the Fleet restructuring project that was only surpassed by the amount of grief you took for doing your job.

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