Rebel Squadrons
Person: ADM Kirghy Lommax
Medal: Tatooine Suns

Date: February 25, 2012
Nominated by: RA Lamin Zykara
Awarded by: FA Joshua Hawkins
Reason for nomination: The Tatooine Suns are awarded to members who:
- have displayed consistent loyalty and dedication
- shown exceptional and innovative service
- have served in ways that have changed the RS

I propose that Commodore Kirghy Lommax easily meets all three of these criteria. Commodore Lommax has served the club faithfully for nearly 12 years, serving on High Command for several of those years. He led our organization through the largest structural changes to our club since the initial formation of the High Command and Office of the Fleet Commander. His dedication and exceptional service have ensured the very future of the Rebel Squadrons, and he is more than deserving of the Tatooine Suns.
Comments by awarding officer:

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