Rebel Squadrons
Person: FA Danny "David Lee Japan" Qatar
Medal: Iridium Spire

Date: April 28, 2007
Nominated by: FA Dave Trebonious-Astoris
Awarded by: FA Dave Trebonious-Astoris
Reason for nomination: General Codyman, known to the roster database as Danny "David Lee Japan" Qatar, has been tireless in his devotion to the new Zealot unit. His wheedling and cajoling has convinced many members to sign up with this writing group, and he has prompted activity with his stories. For setting an example for other leaders and for his encouragement, I hereby award the Iridium Spire to Cody!
Comments by awarding officer:

Date: August 2, 2014
Nominated by: RA Lamin Zykara
Awarded by: RA Lamin Zykara
Reason for nomination: In recognition of a successful tour of duty as the Zealot Commanding Officer, I am pleased to present you with the Iridium Spire!
Comments by awarding officer: Finally, I need Lieutenant General Eric Skrevski and Fleet Admiral Cody Qel-Droma, front and center! Cody and Skrev were the leaders of Zealot and Renegade Squadron, respectively, when the decision was made to fold those units into the reborn Resurrection Squadron. I'd like to take a moment to publicly thank both of you for your service as Squadron COs. It is my pleasure to present each of you with the Iridium Spire for your service as Squadron Commanding Officers. Congratulations!

Date: December 24, 2019
Nominated by: FA Cyrel Vandroth
Awarded by: FA Cyrel Vandroth
Reason for nomination: In constantly being the beacon of activity and participation, particularly in regards to fiction, Danny “David Lee Japan” Qatar has been awarded the Iridium Spire.
Comments by awarding officer:

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