Rebel Squadrons

Objective: Hammerfall: Rising Dawn

Back to Fiction Writing

Overseeing Officer: FA Danny "David Lee Japan" Qatar

Maximum Possible Points: 10

Objective Instructions

The Republic Shield boarding teams are locked in a violent battle on the 19,000 meter-long Executor-class Star Dreadnought Titan, while the RS’s best pilot tangle with thousands of Imperials starfighters, dozens of Imperial I, and Imperial II-class Star Destroyers, and hundreds of support ships. While the brave pilots and commando have found success getting aboard the massive vessel and in the skies above it, the fight is far from over. Failure now would doom the Republic Shield.

Participant Overall Objective: In a fiction based story, RS forces will work together towards a common goal: Destroying the Executor-class Star Dreadnought over Tarsonis and repelling the Titan fleet.

Individual Scoring: IronMan/Codyman will GM the story. Scoring will take place based on the number of posts per each session. There will be 3 major phases, one for each month. If that requirement is met, then the total words from posts will be tallied. Extra points will be given for joint posts or creative/witty actions, and whether or not objectives have been met. (Joint posts will share the number of words in the posts). Bonus points will be factored in for creativity, humor, and joint posts among peers.

RS Defeat: The results of the Battle of Tarsonis depend on your participation in this and all other objectives this session, good luck!

Stalemate: The results of the Battle of Tarsonis depend on your participation in this and all other objectives this session, good luck!
Objective: At least 5 unique post will take place for each phase of the thread (15 total). This must be done for two out of the three months. Joint post between several individuals will count as multiple post depending on the number of individuals involved in said post.

Minor RS Victory: The results of the Battle of Tarsonis depend on your participation in this and all other objectives this session, good luck!
Objective: Stalemate objectives must be met for all three months. In addition, at least one (1) joint post must take place AND/OR at least two (2) post must be over 500 words per each phase.

Major RS Victory: The results of the Battle of Tarsonis depend on your participation in this and all other objectives this session, good luck!
Objective: Minor Victory Objectives. In addition, there must be at least (1) post over 1000 words per each phase.


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