Rebel Squadrons
ITOD: OP 6B: Protect Vital Supply Container

  • As we continue to evade the Empire's pursuit our survival becomes ever more doubtful. Because of the loss of most of our food supplies it is imperative that we find new sources. In the meantime there is one lost cache of grain available to us. It is in a Cargo Container in the [Lesser Plooriod Cluster]. The Container was dropped by one of our ships in an attempt to elude an Imperial attack. The ship's commander was unaware of our overall supply situation. The Freighter [Trips] is being sent to retrieve the grain before it is destroyed by Imperial forces. [Red] Squadron will send two X-wings to intercept any attacking Imperials. When the [Trips] arrives X-wing [Red] will be responsible for defending the operation from Imperial attack.
ITOD Home > Tour 4: Imperial Pursuit

Due Date: 30 Nov -0001


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