Rebel Squadrons
ITOD: OP 18: Capture Imperial Gunboats

  • Analysis of the Advanced TIE Fighters we captured proves that the Empire has developed a new shield technology. Information received from the [Leafar] suggest this technology is being developed further for larger vessels. A Corellian Corvette is reportedly next to be equipped with this new technology. The development site is "hidden in plain sight" at a Force Escort system outpost. These outposts serve as small bases for System Patrol Squadrons of Assault Gunboats and Corvettes. The plan to raid the development site will require the use of some captured Imperial Gunboats. These will be used in a Trojan Horse style gambit to get in close to the test Corvette. We intend to capture this ship intact for use in a major surprise attack Alliance Command is planning. We only need three Gunboats, and there are usually at least this many on station at these bases. In addition, there are typically at least two or three Corvettes defending the base. [Red] Squadron will send two Y-wings in to eliminate the base's defenses and disable the Gunboats. Shuttles will deliver capture teams and the Cruiser [Cathleen] will recover them.
ITOD Home > Tour 4: Imperial Pursuit

Due Date: 30 Nov -0001


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