Rebel Squadrons
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ITOD Home > RS Tour 4 (BoP): Return to Subterrel > RS 401b: Gravity Wells on a Strike Cruiser?

Last Updated: 2011-06-23 09:58:58

A while has passed, but recently, Jay got bruised up from a bout he had with Sconn, but at least it wasn't the kind of bout that would mean trouble or a reprimand. He saw the other opportunities of participation, including the rapid delivery of the next mission batch.

As soon as Jay was done "enjoying" his break from the medical room he was in as a result of his friendly duel with Sconn, he went to the briefing room. They've explained how the station was ill defended to hold off fighters and the like on its own, but several static turrets made Jay think, "Seriously?" There was one new person, a Cadet Kendra Nuru. The name sounded ethnic, but he wasn't too sure what culture it belonged to. The person was still in the Academy, or so the record declared. In addition, he didn't recognize a Major Jeff Boom either. Being a Major implies he's done some service at least once upon a time, because Jay knew all the ass-kicking he had to do in order to climb the ranks to Major.

The briefing was over, and the VSG pilots made it to their X-Wings to go patrol. At first, Jay was simply coasting along casually, when a friendly Interdictor came in. It asked for docking permission, and it was granted. Not long after, some dumb raider hicks came from hyperspace in their T-Wings, a YT-1300 Transport, and some other ferry that has a name which escapes memory.

Jay ordered all the fighters to attack that carrier, but since Jay was the first one to it, he was taking some heat from its lasers. The enemy's shields dropped to 80% against Jay's X-Wing which went from 200% to almost half! Jay broke off, and then his squadron finally arrived to draw the fire from the transports. This allowed Jay to hammer away at them uninterrupted. 3 of the 8 VSG pilots ejected or aborted by the time this was over. Jay doesn't know which pilots were manning what particular fighters, but he could've sworn he was in VSG1, as in the mission's squad leader. He had a good guess one of them was Commander Tá'Ré Djo, Cadet Nuru, and Major Boom. However, he had no way to be sure; just a hunch. Not even The Force would answer his wonders.

When the first ship was destroyed, Jay was then able to help with the YT-1300. As he approached it, he silently thanked the pilots that sacrificed themselves or at least their ships to let Jay have the chance to whack away at these enemies without problem. A few minutes of nothing passed, except the Windstorm's arrival. Jay welcomed it as he was cruising around the Shipyards. Another minute flew by and on the other side of the Windstorm were more bandits: a Corellian Corvette, other freelance fighters, and TIE fighters. As they arrived from hyperspace, he heard Heavy from the Windstorm giving some kind of order. It was great to hear his voice, especially knowing the relationship Jay had as Heavy's personal pupil.

Jay jumped, "TIE Fighters? How the hell do they have Shields?!" It meant they could take more hits, but it made little difference against Jay. At the expense of another squadmate, the TIEs were gone and replaced by Z-95 Headhunters, a ship model worthy of only the spoony. They went down easily enough, but they distracted Jay and team so the other bandits could launch their torpedoes at the larger ships. Thankfully, they all had plenty of shields to last long enough for the X-Wing team to finish off the Z-95s. With half power directed to engines, Jay went to clean up the "bombers." By the time he was done, there was that classic trumpet, "Excellent job! The mission has been completed." As is routine, Jay stuck around to mop up the last of his foes and finally try to search for the pilots that abandoned their fighters...assuming they were still alive.

He landed back on the Windstorm, his Command Ship, for debriefing. Jay was A-OK and ready for more. When that was all done and said, he went straight to logging this incident and his success. The reason for him taking such notes is not so much for the formality, but he likes to have records and proof of his exploits, which directly results in support for his robust self-esteem. As soon as he got done documenting the report, he went back to the briefing room and hanger for seconds.