Rebel Squadrons
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ITOD Home > PSG Tour A1 (XW) > PSG Xa113: Harassment

Last Updated: 2011-07-20 05:44:51

Hit ‘Em Where It Hurts

Just as she was sinking into sleep, the sirens on board the star cruiser Odin woke Second Lieutenant Mia StormChaser from a pleasant dream, during which she was back on the family farm on Dantoonine with little ahead of her apart from shirking the work her brother Rath had assigned to her.
Groaning, Mia stumbled from her bunk, already clothed. These last few days had been utter hell. The Patriot Starfighter Group had been on almost constant high alert over the last few weeks, and with so many missions being flown by its already stretched resident squadrons the cruiser had even called for extra help from members of her own squadron, Dagger.
Her new CO, Colonel Naes Draw had assigned her temporarily to the Odin who was currently spearheading operations to discover more information about a secret weapon called Star Hammer. In truth, Mia did not have a high enough security clearance to know much of the details about this, but had welcomed the chance to be assigned to the Odin.
She had been thrilled to learn she had been assigned to the Dagger Squadron permanently, after her recent action against pirates in the Jardal system, but it was with certain trepidation that she had joined her new squadron. She had been made welcome of course, but as the newest and youngest of the pilots amongst the decorated veterans of the squadron, she knew she had a great deal to learn and also to prove before she earned their trust.
Reaching the briefing area as quickly as possible, Mia still felt self conscious as she entered the large area, already crammed to capacity with pilots from the Patriot’s four standing assigned squadrons, Blue, Red, Gold and FireClaw. Mia didn’t reconise anyone, apart from several pilots who she had briefly spoken to during her brief time aboard, and as quickly as possible settled down to listen.

* * * * **

The briefing had been a long one, but fascinating all the same. Mia began to realise just how many missions were in operation at any one time on the Odin. By turns individual and groups of pilots from the four squadrons present were assigned their objectives and were allowed to leave the room.
She had finally been given her own orders: she was to go out alone in her assigned A-Wing to identity the contents of a group of containers which had been dropped off in deep space for use in the Star Hammer project, and after gathering as much information as possible on their contents, destroy the containers.
Making her way to the hanger, Mia saw her A-Wing for the forthcoming mission. Apart from training simulations, this would be her first time in this type of craft, and she briefly paused to admire its sleek lines. She couldn’t help wondering as she completed her pre-launch sequence how her droid, WarHog, was getting on patching up her own X-Wing, WildCard Two back on the ISD Redemption. It sure had taken a pounding on her last trip out, she just hoped it would be up to spec on her return.
Launching from the Odin, Mia took a deep breath and made the jump to hyperspace.

* * * * **

Another tough mission Mia reflected as she exited safely from hyperspace. As soon as she had arrived in-system and inspected the first container, the first wave of TIE Advanced had appeared, followed swiftly by a modified Corvette and to top it all, a Frigate designated Opaline.
It had been hot work for awhile, but by concentrating on making runs against each container at a time, Mia had managed to destroy all of the supplies and still be in good shape.
Piloting a real A-Wing had been a joy as well, and its speed had kept her alive out there, and as she gunned her engines to full speed she had managed to pull away from the TIE Advanced to reach her hyperspace point. That was one round of drinks she was going to buy the technicians back on the Odin for keeping her sublight drives so finely tuned.

* * * * **

Back on board the ISD Redemption several days later, Mia reported to Colonel Draw on the success of the mission.
‘Congratulations Lieutenant, you hit them where it hurt.’ Colonel Draw replied when Mia had finished her report.
‘Thank you Sir.’
‘You have made your first step into a wider world with us. It’s good to have on board. To the HILT!’ Colonel Draw stood up, and saluted Mia a smile on his face.
‘To the HILT Sir.’ Mia replied. At last she had come home.