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ITOD Home > RS Tour 3 (XWA Retro Tour) > RS 308a: Pirate Rampage (IBG 108)

Last Updated: 2011-07-22 17:02:58

It had been a rough month for all of the pilots aboard the Redemption, especially for Red Dragon. Ray had learned two important things though. First she learned that Adam gave enough of a damn to not want her to leave. Second, that she could sweet talk Damon into doing just about anything. So for the time being, she would stay on the Redemption. Red Dragon had picked up a few new members, and even got an old Red Dragon to come out of reserve and fly with them once more.

Ray’s head was still troubled though. She might have a temporary pass as long as Damon stayed on the Redemption… but who knows how long THAT would be? The other thing was Adam. She was trying very hard not to be stressed by this. She knew that stressing about things never solved anything, and most often only made them worse. “Sorry, the stress of my nonexistent love relationship with my Commanding Officer caused me to end up back in MedOps because I cant concentrate” surely wasn’t going to fly for an excuse, and she was certain that someone was going to catch on eventually. She was pretty sure that Richo knew… but she wasn’t stupid enough to say anything about it to him. Damon knew for sure, she was certain. He could read her like a book.

The alarm went off for the pilots to go to the briefing room. Ray hoped that Richo was not going to make Adam sit this one out. She chuckled slightly at the thought of her CO being on a “Time Out”.

She got her assignment on her data pad. She was assigned to an X-wing.

She launched with the rest of her flight group into what seemed to be utter suicide. She took out a number of Razorfighters, and R41 Starchasers, but then there were a ton of big ships that only seemed to be firing at her, specifically. She held her own for a while, but it didn’t last long enough.

“I’m out, don’t you dare forget about me out here!” she called into her mic. She knew it was too late and reached for the eject button. She pushed it just as the ship started to explode around her. The fin of one of the wings spun around and whacked her in the chest on her way out, knocking the wind out of her. She couldn’t breathe for a minute and then finally coughed and started breathing again. With each breath she winced. - I definitely cracked a rib or two. - She had also watched as the base of her ship fly through the ship that had been coming straight at her as the pilot wasn’t smart enough to dodge.

The shuttle came and picked her up fairly quickly, considering the circumstances and brought her, as well as a few other pilots back to the Redemption. By the time they got there, she had some blood in the corner of her mouth and dripping out of her nose. Adam was there to help bring pilots from the shuttle to the medical bay. There was a few pilots in worse condition that him and a few other people escorted to the medics first before they came for her.

They loaded her onto a stretcher and Adam came over and touched her face gently. She looked up at him and said laboriously, “You know… I don’t much care for… whoever… is deciding where the…. fleet is taking its battles. … I totally blame… the higher ups for these… poor working conditions.” She mumbled the entire way to the medical wing about how she was going to have a word with whoever was planning the operations and giving them a piece of her mind for being stupid.

Adam grinned at her humor despite the situation, and knew that she would be just fine after a day or so. She tended to heal a bit quicker then everyone else anyway. She probably didn’t even need bacta.

They checked her out, and she had been right. Two cracked ribs, and one of them was jabbing at her left lung. They opened her up and set the broken bones and put her back together again. She looked miserable as she woke up realizing that she was going to be so scarred by the end of her career that no man was going to want her body. It was already starting to see too many battle scars.

She spent the night whispering to herself and walked out of the medbay two days later, perfectly fine. People looked at her strangley at first until she finally told them, "I'm a Dathomirian. You know... Force Witch? I mastered a Healing Spell back in Grey Squadron with a bit of Castor's help."