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Last Updated: 2011-07-31 08:43:36

Narrative for PSG Mission - PSG XA.13 is as follows:

-= CRS: Odin, Damon Lightwind’s quarters=-

It was slow going for Damon as far as the healing process goes on his ribs. He was still a little bit restless at times however he worked with Med Ops which allowed him some escape from his moments of solitude while confined to his quarters. He was starting feel a little better each day and the little bit for scheduled interaction helped a lot. He was anxious to get to Med Ops however wary of another extension he might have to endure. A feeling of some discomfort remained but he was confident he’d at be able to get back to doing some light duty at the very least. He was feeling pretty good whistling to himself as he got ready to head off to Med Ops soon.

Just then his protocol droid Patch walked in and said “I’ve learned that Admiral Efrata-Landis been release from Med Ops.” Damon smiled and said. “That’s great news Patch and with any luck I’ll be next to get back at it.” “Indeed that would good news for you and I know this down time has been rough for you.” Patch adds. “Actually it wasn’t as bad this time around since I was able to get out every now and then as well as seeing the others. Not to mention you and Scrappy were a great help which kept me from going crazy.” Damon says with a chuckle. “Happy to be of service to you as always sir as is Scrappy I’m sure.” Patch says with a nod.

Damon looked around for a moment and then asked. “Speaking of Scrappy where’d he run off too?” “He’s down in the maintenance bay helping the techs sir. He’s been doing that from time to time since you’ve been out of action” Patch answerers. “Ahh…I see glad to know he’s staying busy I’ll thank him for it latter.” Damon replies. He soon finished getting ready headed out while continuing to converse with Patch. As they both had stepped out in to the corridor Patch was suddenly knocked hard in to Damon. This sent him to the floor wincing in pain and gasping for air while clutching his right side.

A cadet seemingly in a bit of haste had run in to them at that moment as they exited Damon’s quarters. The cadet bounced off Patch and fell to the floor as well a little dazed and surprised by the sudden run in. As Patch looked back at Damon he knew he had reinjured his ribs as the Cadet said. “I’m so sorry are you ok?” Ray having been near by ran up with Ozzy along side and called out before Patch could say anything. “Help me get him up Patch let Med Ops now we’re coming.” Patch nodded then headed off as the cadet and Ray each took up a position on either side of Damon. As they helped him up he said in a raspy tone. “My Ribs….this is a set back…I DAMN it.” “Damon don’t try to talk we’ll be in Med Ops soon.” Ray says to him.

-= CRS: Odin, Med Ops=-

Moments later they arrived in Med Ops the female tech that had be working with him says. “Of all the rotten luck I just get you pretty much back together and now this.” Damon again in a pain filled raspy tone. “Not…my…fault…this time.” “I know and Patch told me what happened. Miss Djo if could please help him over to a med bed I need to stabilize him and sorry Captain I have to sedate then tank ya for a bit. Damon wincing nodded slightly as if to say I understand. Within moments the med tech had him stabilized, sedated, and prepped for a bacta dunk once again. Not that it was going to help all that much but still it did help to a degree.

Damon now sedated was slid in to a tank once again with healing process having to start a new. The Med tech once he was it the tank turned her attention back to Ray, the Cadet, and Patch who where still waiting near by then said. “Well he’ll be fine after some time in the tank and once again having to heal quite a bit on his own. So I guess all that’s left to do is inform the Admirals of the situation.” “I’ll do that if you like we have a briefing to get to anyway. After all it only makes sense being I was there when it happened” Ray offers. “Agreed and thanks.” The Med Tech says handing Ray a data pad. With that Ray nods and heads out with the cadet as well as Patch tagging along behind them.

(This ends this Narrative,
LGN Damon Lightwind
Red Squadron CO (Red 1)