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ITOD Home > PSG Tour A1 (TIE) > PSG Ta113: Grey Tribulation

Last Updated: 2011-08-01 06:13:15

Narrative for PSG Mission - PSGTA 3.00 is as follows:

-= CRS: Aragorn, Sim Ops =-

The last few days Damon was very busy helping Ra in the pit and moving fighters. He just returned from some runs to the Dawn’s Hope. He was moving fighters that Ra felt were necessary to help free up the space that was needed. Damon was also happy that he was able to help Ra solve the compartment on that interceptor that mystified him. He was pleased things went well as well as they did. Plus he was glad to be reunited with his droids Patch and scrappy. Having them back in the mix was a great feeling and it was like they were never really apart as long as they were.

Even though he was glad to be of service to the tech he missed his fellow pilots. Mainly due to being so busy he’d hadn’t gotten to see much the last few days. He figured since he had some down time between runs to the Dawn’s hope grab a bite first. He knew Ra would call on him when he decided which fighters go in the next batch of runs. Soon after eating he met up with Patch as left the lounge. “I’ve learn that several of your fellow pilots are in Sim Ops at this moment.” Patch informs.

Damon smiled as he was reviewing some info on his data pad and said. “Good then that’s were I must go can’t allow myself to get rusty. I maybe assigned to Ra at the moment however that could change very quickly so I’ve got be ready.” “Understood sir and do you wish for me to come with you?” Patch asks. “No I rather have you and Scrappy down in the pit helping Captain Ra with anything he needs. I’ll be along as soon as I finish a couple of runs or Ra calls for me which ever come first.” Damon answers. Patch gave a nod and headed off to join Scrappy as instructed.

Moments later Damon arrives at Sim Ops and finds quite a few pilots looking very frustrated. As a few of his fellow pilots passed him he heard them muttering curses rapidly to themselves under their breath. It did take long for him to gather that the featured Sim may be the cause of this as it most often was. As continued in side he found more of the same as more pilots filed out. Damon respectably just nodded as if to say hi as they made eye contact. He also decided it was better not to ask any them for fear it might agitated them further. Instead he chose to ask the Sim tech. “What’s the current featured Sim?” “One of Admiral Efrata-Landis’ Com Tacs and it’s a though one.” The Sim Tech Replied.

Damon was quite familiar with the admirals’ Com Tac Sims and made face as if to say not good. He knew they were the bane of every pilot’s existence which most were all but driven mad from their multiple attempts to pass them. However, he very much respected the reason for there complexity and design mainly being meant to push a pilot too their limit as well as beyond. Just then a loud scream of frustration and thud could be heard coming from on of the Sim pods. Both He and the Sim Tech turned toward it’s origin of where it came from. A minute later the hatch popped open and a sour looking as well as frustrated Ray steps out shaking her hand.

Ray had expressed her frustration further by kicking the Sim pod as she exited it. After that the Sim tech added jokingly. “If you break it, you buy it.” Ray in turn snapped of a glare that made Damon himself shuttered to see. He decided maybe a friendly face would help settle her down so he said. “Hi Ray!” Ray quickly barked back as she stormed out of Sim Ops. “Leave me alone!” This surprised and stunned Damon he never seen Ray react to him like that just from saying hi. He then looked back at the Sim Tech and he said. “Don’t think on it at all. I just caught a look from her that would have killed me instantly if the previous five pilots hadn’t done the same thing. That’s one hell of a ComTac in there. Good luck on it!”

Damon sill a bit dazed and confused by Ray’s reaction turn back to him and said. “Thanks and I’m just surprised by her reaction is all. In all the time I’ve know her she’s never snapped at me like that no matter how upset she was. Anyway what am I up against on this one or do I want to know?” The Sim Tech shrugs and asks “I don’t know you tell me… you?” “I’m think probably not but curiosity has got the better of me here….so yeah I would thanks.” Damon answers. “OK it’s a minefield clearing mission problem is your doing it in an unshielded Squint.” The Sim Tech explains. “Yikes….no wonder why everyone is so frustrated.” Damon adds with a shutter of dread.

He pondered for a moment and then the Sim Tech asked. “So are you going to give it a go?” Damon realized he was dazing off a bit then replied. “Oh…sorry, yes load me up please.” The Sim Tech nodded as Damon then turned to a Sim pod and hopped in. Next he fired up the briefing and reviewed it thoroughly before firing it up. Upon entering the mission Damon was not fazed by having to dodge the Brier. Having already done this maneuver once before during the Banshee Base mission he quickly pulled clear of her with even a thought on it. He next surveyed the scene and ordered the Brier hold her distance.

Next he located the Tug that was in the middle of the minefield and lock it into a memory location. Soon after he reached the edge of the mines range and he started to slowly pick them off one by one. Damon managed to pick of a good number of them before he ran into trouble. On the next pass that came in the form of two missiles from those mine types he had to dodge. He managed to dodge the first one however the second one had caught up and took him out. Damon didn’t waste anytime he fired it right back up and ran it again. Once more after a slight improvement it ended the same way as did the several runs that followed.

Damon now being a bit frustrated himself popped the hatch and step out said of the pod to regroup. The Sim Tech then with a bit of a chuckle asks. “You had enough yet?” With a glare of determination in his eyes he answered. “Nope I’m close to passing this one I just needed to regroup a bit.” “Yeah, not like I haven’t heard that before a hundred times over.” The Sim Tech adds with a laugh. Damon smiled and gave him a glare (as if to say you think I’m kidding do you?) and jumped right back in the pod. He then pondered a moment and then it hit him. “Wait a minute this is a finesse mission not one of force. I need to be calm and patient here as well as react when necessary.”

With that he fired it up once more and as he did a focused calm came over him. Damon was now in the zone as it was called as he slowly picked the mine field apart. Of course he eventually ended up taking a hit but that only help sharpen his focus. He even managed to solve the missile mines by speeding up to dodge several and knocking out about four others. Soon the mines where now clear Damon then ordered the Brier to continue it’s operation after he’d IDed the Tug. All he could do now is wait and watch as the Tug was captured. As soon as the Brier had it in tow Damon smiled ended the mission then popped the hatch.

As he got out of the Sim pod he shot a look at the tech that was as if to say I told ya I would. “OK …OK, I guess you were close to passing this like you said and well done. You’ve also had the best run so far out of everyone that’s tried.” The Sim Tech says in response to Damon’s glare. “Best run so far….ready?” Damon asks. The Tech gave a nod in confirmation. Damon ponders a moment and then says. “OK do me a favor, unless Ray asks don’t tell her I passed it. I don’t want her to think I’m showing off because I’m not and the last thing I need is for her to be upset with me.” The tech nods and says. “She’s a feisty one and that’s fine with me.”

Shaking his head Damon chuckles and then adds. “Feisty you say… don’t even know that half of it and she isn’t called Spitfire for no reason you know.” “Understood and I’ll take your word on that.” The Sim tech replies. Just then Damon’s Comm Link goes off which he answered quickly. “Lightwind here go ahead.” “It’s Ra where are you? We have the next batch of fighters ready to go.” Ra says with a snap of urgency in his tone. “I’m on my way now just finished up in Sim Ops.” Damon answered. “Sim Ops what the….Oh….never mind just get down here pronto!!!” Ra orders “Understood, Lightwind Out.” Damon says as he closes the channel. With that Damon head off whistling to himself as he does.

(This ends this Narrative,
LGN Damon Lightwind
Red Squadron CO (Red 1)