Rebel Squadrons
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ITOD Home > PSG Tour A1 (TIE) > PSG Ta113: Grey Tribulation

Last Updated: 2011-07-24 23:59:34

The young pilot watched as her Interceptor exploded around her. Again. The voice in the simulator said for the 900th time -*Mission a Failure*-. Ray was getting more then frustrated. -I cant believe that Licah actually passed this thing. It is impossible.-

She hit the start button and launched herself into the mission, for another go around. If felt like she had been in the flight simulator for days nonstop. She launched her fighter and once again wondered why in the name of the Holy Queen would her ship be launching BACKWORDS. However, since she knew that it was there, she turned her flight stick to the left to avoid hitting the back of the Brier. -Whoever programmed this was an idiot.-

She started off towards the minefield. She figured out that if she left the missal shooting mines alone, the wouldn’t bother her. However, she couldn’t get close enough to the lasers and ion mines to shoot them down without getting herself shot down in the process. -With shields, this wouldn’t be so bad. Without shields, this is nothing but suicide.-

Ray was a good pilot. She knew she was. She might not be the BEST pilot, and she sure as heck wasn’t the greatest shot the universe had ever seen… but she pulled her own weight and she always came back alive. Usually with her ship in one piece. Usually. She knew her limits. She knew her strengths and weaknesses. She knew that in a shielded interceptor, the empire could throw anything at her, she was surviving it. Same for a Tie Defendor. She hated flying in Alliance ships. She realized that the enemy was much better equipped and whenever she had the opportunity to disable enemy ships instead of shoot them down, she took her chances and hoped that her flight mates were smart enough to leave them disabled and not shoot them down themselves.

She tried to concentrate hard. She attempted to weave but she was such an awful shot when it comes to minefields that she had to fly straight to hit the mine. She got about 6 in before she exploded her interceptor, again. She finally let out a horrible scream and punched the flight simulator cockpit, almost breaking her hand. -THAT is going to bruise something fierce.-

She pushed the button and jumped out of the flight simulator, cursing. The machine didn’t open as fast as she wanted to leave it, so she kicked it and jumped out. “If you break it, you buy it,” joked the Sim Tech.

She turned to glare at the man. She was thinking about telling him that if he was to address her, it would be as “Major” or “Sir”… but she decided that that was probably not the best of her ideas. She stared at him for a long minute though, and sensed that he felt that his word choice was probably not the best.

Damon walked into the sim room as Ray was walking out. “Hi Ray!” he called to her.

“Leave me alone!” Ray barked back.

Damon, not sure whether he was offended or hurt looked at the flight tech. “Don’t think on it at all. I just caught a look from her that would have killed me instantly if the previous five pilots hadn’t done the same thing. That’s one hell of a comtac in there. Good luck on it!”

Ray stopped at the bar to get a drink before she went to bed. She was stressed out by her lack of anything in the comtac, and she decided that she really needed to get some sleep. She would try again in the morning when she was a little bit more calm, and a little less Rabid.