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ITOD Home > PSG Tour A1 (XW) > PSG Xa113: Harassment

Last Updated: 2011-08-03 13:23:52


James StarGazer sat thinking, he had been through a lot lately. The stress of the Sabacc Mission, granted that was behind them. After the discussion with Damon in the lounge, one thing was for sure... he had a vital decision that needed making. He sat in his Quarters, and pondered what to do... thinking of his friends suggestions that he should go home. Besides being a good friend of James, Damon was a mentor... and an example of everything James would wanted to be. Although he did try, James didn't always give things 100%... mainly his all.

This was because of his pressure to do so well that he put on himself. Because of this, James was seriously thinking of taking Damon's advice & leaving. In his mind, he was a failure even with Damon trying to help encourage him. It occurred to James, he could give Damon more then 100%... which he should of been doing from the start. But this effort in his eyes, he could never match the effort Damon gave him. He quickly wondered what the Admiral Effata-Landis would think of this if he wasn't in a bacta tank. Because like Damon said, it was the Admiral who brought them together in the first place.

It was said at the time, they both had something to offer each other. In Damon's case it was his tutelage, and for James... friendship. In the end, it came down to one final decision... "stay, or not to stay?". What decision would be made, James had a lot of time to think about this. And his decision, was... that he must leave. However, he quickly learned Damon's recovery process had taken a hit for the worst. He would be staying.... with Damon' out of action, he would be needed.

He would be there as much as he could for his friend. He would make things right, he had let Damon down enough. Leaving altogether just wouldn't be right! He had considered all they had both been through together, and he figured it to be what Damon would want. So he would head for the flight simulator, it was time to step up... and face everything head on. Damon always took on everything like a man, and it was time for James to do the same thing. Even though.... his future was still in question.
