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ITOD Home > PSG Tour A1 (XW) > PSG Xa117: Freight Train
Avg. Rating: 9.5
FA Tyrell "Spokes" Borran on 29 July 2012
Rating: 9
TAs v. AWs is always fun, even though I died twice. :P
GEN Damon Lightwind on 29 July 2012
Rating: 10
OK damn challenging and you really need to be on the ball for this one. To take down 5 freighters under fire is no easy task but climbing out of a what ends up being a 13 on 1 whole takes all you got. All I can say is be elusive and make your shots count the best you can.
FA Licah Fox on 27 July 2012
Rating: 10
This one wins a 10 from me, purely on the merits of its exquisite difficulty. The parameters are simple, but the task is extreme: dodge lots of T/As while destroying freighters. The 10 is for how difficult it is to pull off 100% kills, especially with that fourth freighter seemingly always getting hit by a stray T/A shot.
BGN Hermus Dogan on 18 July 2012
Rating: 9
A deceptively simple mission, but be ready to take on a cloud of T/As if you aren't careful.